OT: Loomis/Broderick Shredding Duel

What, is it not metalcore enough for you, Andy? :D

I've always had problems playing lead with the guitar as low as jeff has it there. It's doubly amazing to watch him play that, just because of the awkwardness of the guitar's position. I've always found it easier on my wrists to play slightly higher, and as Lopes, that's a bit more important to me than looking cool.

Also, I really don't envy anyone who has to solo duel Jeff. You'd see me exiting stage left sideways long before it got to that part of the set :)
Moonlapse said:
What, is it not metalcore enough for you, Andy?

Owwwwwwch!!! Lol.

I wasn't gonna say anything about the guitar-height, but since it was Andy that brought it up... Chris was killin' me with the Paul McCartney look.

And yes, that is cheating!
metalkingdom said:
And yes, that is cheating!
You want cheating? My sister showed me some live video of one of the guys from Avenged Sevenfold doing an unaccompanied solo to prove how good he was. In the video you can clearly see that he has a scrunchie that he moves onto the neck when he plays a fast part and he removes to play something with open notes. Oh, and the solo was pretty lame too.
Nebulous said:
DAMN. I love how Jeff plays and what he plays and his general style, BUT I prefer Chris' phrasing in his first solo more than any other solo i've heard in AGES.

Get familiar with Phrygian mode. (I think)

*goes back to Loomis Aeolian fanboyism* :D

I forgot to mention earlier...every time I see Loomis play, it makes me so proud to own a Hellraiser. Truly is the best guitar I've owned, and definitely the best metal guitar I've played.
I cant stand playing guitars that high... but, I dont drag them along the ground either... so, either way.

You guys hear Per Nilsson in Scar Symmetry yet? His phrasing is F'n killer, IMHO.

J the TyranT said:
I cant stand playing guitars that high... but, I dont drag them along the ground either... so, either way.

You guys hear Per Nilsson in Scar Symmetry yet? His phrasing is F'n killer, IMHO.


yeah...Scar Symmetry is freaking awesome. Their guitar work especially.:kickass: :rock:
People need to take a clue from Paul Gilbert. He's one of the best, and he plays REALLY low.

I come from the Jimmy Page school of thought. My guitar is as low as I can play it, and I still play shit like that, but I just have to lean back really far or bend over when I go to play a lead. After all, the whole point of playing guitar is to look cool, right?:lol:

Is that the solo to "Jet to Jet" they harmonised there at the end? HAHA!
Moonlapse said:
...every time I see Loomis play, it makes me so proud to own a Hellraiser.

Every time I see Loomis play, it makes me forget that I play guitar too. :ill:
Moonlapse said:
I've always had problems playing lead with the guitar as low as jeff has it there. It's doubly amazing to watch him play that, just because of the awkwardness of the guitar's position.

I suppose it's all up to one's anatomy...
For example, Vai, Friedman and Gilbert all hold their guitars very low and yet flawlessly fiddle around the fretboard. It's not for everybody, I guess, don't know about Friedman, but Vai and Gilbert don't have fingers but fuckin 5 inch tentacles... If you feel comfortable playing in a certain position - to hell with coolness. I'd rather play jawdroppingly good (not just technically) and hold the guitar right below my jaw, than look "kool" and play like shite... But that's just my 2c.
Andy Sneap said:
i'm disturbed by Chris's guitar height, that needs addressing right now.

:lol: A lot of 'shredders' seem to wear their guitars quite high....but possibly the oddest thing I've seen is Mr Petrucci's custom built 'foot rests' he uses for all the widdly bits.

Actually on the subject of Chris, check out the vids on his website. The guy's no slouch when it comes to the classical stuff too :rock:
foot rests....thats what monitors are for, guys get with the program, guitar=penis extension, they should be worn low, no excuse, I'd rather see someone mess up a bit and throw a good shape. Damn! we'll be playing on bar stools next....