OT: Metallica $uck$...


Imported Killer
Ok, so apparently someone has the website metallicasucks.com. I did not go to it and I don't intend on ever going there.

But I have a question.
Why do people waste so much time on hating Metallica?

Load came out in 1996. The Black Album came out in 1991. It's 2002 damnit. Get a life. Or at least do what I do and read books if you can't get a life. I used to post a lot of Metallica hate on one particular message board about 5 years ago, but after the board was fucked up by some GWAR fans, I quit worrying and then found THERE ARE BETTER THINGS TO CONCENTRATE ON.

Please note: This does not apply to the casual Metallica haters who just post saying, "Yeah, tho$e fucker$ $uck" and then move on with their lives. I am only referring to the people who act like there is no world outside of Metallica.

"ain't gonna waste my hate"
I agree totally. This whole Cannibal Corpse lawsuit has made my Metallica hatred resurface again though. It just seems like whenever I get over one thing they do something else to piss me off. Oh well...I'm not loosing any sleep over it though.
There was one Anti-Metallica site that was really well done. He didn't just come out saying they suck and to take his opinion or else. He actually did a decent job I thought. It was fun to read. There was an Anti-Pantera page I saw once too, but that was dumb. The guy who made that just went straight to his opinion or else attitude.
www.metallicasucks.com is done really well. I'm with the webmaster who made that site.
He said they don't suck because of Black, Load or Re-load, or becuse they cut thier hair, and I agree with him.
They suck because, as the webmaster says:
Metallica "has long credited the 'underground bootleg tape-traders' for their success in the first place. MP3 traders today occupy the same basic position in the food-chain that the tape-traders did in the early 80's. Many an interview has shown Lars or James saying 'how the tape-traders trading pirate copies of the demo tapes' were what made them popular. It's all well and good for tape-traders to exist when it gets THEM popular, but then once they're rich and popular? Fuck the traders, man, they [Metallica] don't need em any more."
I'm gonna go read a book now.
Originally posted by ThraxDude
www.metallicasucks.com is done really well. I'm with the webmaster who made that site.
He said they don't suck because of Black, Load or Re-load, or becuse they cut thier hair, and I agree with him.
They suck because, as the webmaster says:
Metallica "has long credited the 'underground bootleg tape-traders' for their success in the first place. MP3 traders today occupy the same basic position in the food-chain that the tape-traders did in the early 80's. Many an interview has shown Lars or James saying 'how the tape-traders trading pirate copies of the demo tapes' were what made them popular. It's all well and good for tape-traders to exist when it gets THEM popular, but then once they're rich and popular? Fuck the traders, man, they [Metallica] don't need em any more."
I'm gonna go read a book now.

Does the webmaster not notice the difference between when a band is unsigned and WANTS people to circulate their material and when the band has secured a major label contract, gets radio and television play and would like for people to pay them for the music they enjoy? just wondering.
Glad to see the Copse deal was fake, it's not like I would have been suprised at all if it was true though. I still hate them though. Not because they aren't as heavy as they used to be but because all they do is bitch and complain anymore. Really... what the fuck do they have to be so pissed off about? They're rich, legandary, and can afford to buy their own kitchen appliances now...lighten up guys!
We could go on and on and debate this topic until Hell freezes over. Let's not. You know you're right, and I know I'm right.
The End.

uh, oh...
P.S. Remember when you suggested Stuck Mojo a while back (on the old board)? If it wasn't for Napster, I wouldn't have bought Stuck Mojo "Declaration of a Headhunter". I wouldn't have been able to sample some songs from Stuck Mojo and I wouldn't have known that I liked their music.
Stuck Mojo made one (1) album sale thanks to Napster.
I used Napster for good, not evil, and now it is gone. No other downloading programs are the same. :waah:

ThraxDude, try winmx. It's kind of like napster, without the lawsuits (yet).

And I think everyone believed that the Cannibal Corpse deal was real because that is totally something that our great friends in Metallica actually would have done. :mad: Oh well.
I am here to say that I used napster for evil and tried to get as many albums as I could before it ended. Personally, I don't care if it's not right, but on a grander scale I can understand the musicians' concern (the ones that don't like mp3 accessability at least).
Originally posted by jdelpi
Ok, so apparently someone has the website metallicasucks.com. I did not go to it and I don't intend on ever going there.

But I have a question.
Why do people waste so much time on hating Metallica?

Load came out in 1996. The Black Album came out in 1991. It's 2002 damnit. Get a life. Or at least do what I do and read books if you can't get a life. I used to post a lot of Metallica hate on one particular message board about 5 years ago, but after the board was fucked up by some GWAR fans, I quit worrying and then found THERE ARE BETTER THINGS TO CONCENTRATE ON.

Please note: This does not apply to the casual Metallica haters who just post saying, "Yeah, tho$e fucker$ $uck" and then move on with their lives. I am only referring to the people who act like there is no world outside of Metallica.

"ain't gonna waste my hate"

The same can be said about the people who still talk about the first 4 metallica cds all the fucking time. Lets not be partial here.