OT Sepultura


Mar 9, 2005
After seeing them at the barras last week & despite the mike not up high enough i really enjoyed them. So is their new album good? I'm not a fan of roorback.
I can't get into Roorback; nothing beats Beneath/Arise/Chaos AD
JohnThrax said:
Dante is amazing. go buy it
You're the 3rd or 4th person to say that, but I can't help remain skeptical after hearing (not buying) Roorback.
I haven't sampled CDs since it's been outlawed. And I refuse to buy an album unless I've heard it all (unless it's Anthrax or Slayer).
Who else thinks the new Sepultura "is amazing"?
I like Dante, its a return to a Chaos AD "feel" to it. I couldnt get into Derricks vox all that much but it seems to fit on this album. Its definitely worth a listen to, even if ya borrow it from a friend for a day.
Dante has become one of my favourite Sepultura albums. I can't get enough of it. Give the album a chance. I don't think you'll be disappointed in it.

I swear that Igor's a mutant and has an extra arm or two. The drumming is incredible.
Canucklehead said:
Dante has become one of my favourite Sepultura albums. I can't get enough of it. Give the album a chance. I don't think you'll be disappointed in it.

I swear that Igor's a mutant and has an extra arm or two. The drumming is incredible.

Being a huge fan of Igor (and he is a "friend" on myspace!!) I wish it were that simple to assume. Nope, the dude is just that damned fast and good! Damned Brazilians and their samba playing since birth talent!!
It is a badass album Tad. and this is coming from someone who has hated all the stuff with the new vox. His vox still aren't amazing but the rest of the album is and he's not so shitty on this one.
deffinately worth buying if you like Chaos AD
Hmmm... I need to check it out then. Maybe I'll just pick it up when I get some DVD+Rs from Worst Buy this week.
You guys better be right. :D
metal_thrashing_kansan said:
Being a huge fan of Igor (and he is a "friend" on myspace!!) I wish it were that simple to assume. Nope, the dude is just that damned fast and good! Damned Brazilians and their samba playing since birth talent!!

I've been a big fan of his since I heard Chaos A.D. There's not many in metal who can keep up with him, in my opinion. He blew me away when I saw them back in '96 on the final tour with Max.
Descendent said:
"Dante XXI" is good. However, I will never be completely satisfied with any Sepultura albums without Max Cavalera.

Yeah I feel like that too. And I am certainly no Derreck Greene basher (good luck to anyone who tries!)
mrthrax said:
roots lost me,i didnt like where they were going.....,havent bothered with them.
Huh...I've really only heard Roots once, and I thought it was heavy as fuck all. So you haven't bothered with anything before that?
Drokk said:
Huh...I've really only heard Roots once, and I thought it was heavy as fuck all. So you haven't bothered with anything before that?

i loved schizo album all the way thru to chaos ad,i sed to be a huge fan,but as i said even b4 max left i was imprssed with roots at all
I bought Dante XXI.
My review: You guys owe me $12.99.

I knew I should've sampled it first. :(
It's okay, but it isn't worth $12.99.
On a 1-10 scale, I'd give Dante XXI a 7 out of 10.

However, the new Lacuna Coil is fucking great! 9 out of 10 for Karmacode.