OT: Who gets the last word?

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Since there's pretty much no real topic to this (It would've died a long time ago if that was the case), I'll just say something that happened to me a short while ago that I still find shocking. I was giving myself a vacation in Connecticut, and I was driving through the small town of Milford, and what do I see but all these Neo-Nazi assholes gathered around the middle of the town commons screaming things like "WHITE POWER" and stuff along that line!! It really shocked me that those idiots would be in such a small town like Milford!! That probably happened to a lot of you guys, but it was a first time for me! ( I don't live in a big city or anything, so nothing too messed up like that happens near me usually.) Well, now I know what my quote today will be... something from Keep it in the Family...
OK, I think I finally get this thread. It really doesn't follow anything at all and most of it is between a few people. Now I feel stupid for barging in and saying that huge paragraph of doooom. I'll spare you all now. :p
NO, i didn't mean you guys were rude or anything! You guys ROCK! :headbang:
I MEANT that I felt as if I was barging in on something. That's all!

But DD is right, there are still some of those Bella and Bush hatahz lurking about... but most of them have gone with the reunion and Bush's departure. Luckily for me... for some, it's such a hard concept that it's easily possible to enjoy both singers! I mean, yeah I favour Joey's singing more, but that's my style. I'm an Agent Steel, Iron Maiden, early-Judas Priest kinda guy. That said, I like John's singing too, more in Armoured Saint, but I can enjoy his work with Anthrax as well, especially in SOWN. (seems to be the only album I like with him on it, but I respect the others for what they are as well. :) )

Awright, I'll shuddup now. :loco:
NO, i didn't mean you guys were rude or anything! You guys ROCK! :headbang:
I MEANT that I felt as if I was barging in on something. That's all!
You're not barging in on anything. Read it from start to beginning (which you should do before posting here :p ) and you'll see that this thread changes topics faster than Brittney Skye can take off her panties. Oh yeah...that fast.

Excuse me for a minute while I look up a Brittney Skye website and "amuse" myself for a while...
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