OT: Who gets the last word?

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mentalmeltdown said:
what will NFF or brat say when they come back to this thread??? we have let ourselves go... :lol:


I've never seen so many lesbian-related posts in one place in my life. And ThraxDude only had a couple of them!!!!!!!!!! I'll never understand why guys are so into lesbians, because two guys together really freak me out. For the record, my "viewing pleasure" would be to see you guys cleaning house. If you're going to bombard us with pictures of some chick who wouldn't give you the time of day because you have the wrong plumbing, the least you could do is offset them by posting pictures of John Bush too. :grin:
bRaTpRiNcEsS said:
If you're going to bombard us with pictures of some chick who wouldn't give you the time of day because you have the wrong plumbing, the least you could do is offset them by posting pictures of John Bush too. :grin:

Did you ever see the pictures of John getting spanked? That was funny. :)
nafnikufesin said:
Geez, I'm gone for twelve hours and I sure miss a lot :lol:

Does it matter that my hot pink g-string isn't leather?

No, it doesn't even have to be pink. But I can't think of anything else that would be more appropriate for a man to wear while singing that song. :grin:
bRaTpRiNcEsS said:
For the record, my "viewing pleasure" would be to see you guys cleaning house.
You make me sick... What kind of sicko would want to see such pictures???? Come to think of it, who would take a picture of themselves cleaning house? :)

About the lesbians, two cute sweaty girls on a tropical island going at it is much more sensual, erotic and esthetic than two guys going at it regardless of their surroundings - not that I have ever seen male gay porn... :err:
Uh-huh...I believe you.

When you spend your time cleaning up after two small children and a grown man, it's nice to see someone else doing it once in a while.

I've never seen gay porn either, but I have had many gay friends that I just have to run away from when they start making out just so I don't see any more than that.
bRaTpRiNcEsS said:
When you spend your time cleaning up after two small children and a grown man, it's nice to see someone else doing it once in a while.
Just do what Lisa did to Homer and Bart... make them believe they have Leprosy.. :flame: and then go spend a week on Hawaii to "cure" it.
There's a saying that goes:
The sexiest thing a young husband can do for his wife is the dishes.

I think that's what bRaTpRiNcEsS means........?

Dudes: Cleaning up = Blow Job
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