OT: Who gets the last word?

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Holy sheep shit...... Friday night after work i Went to see the DDP show in San Francisco. It was 3 blocks from work. Vicious Rumors ,Mudface and Dublin Death Patrol. I did the merch for DDP and did get home until 3 AM, then had to attend a Home buyers class at 8:30 and then another DDP show in Concord. The shows were Killer, the BayArea thrash Metal seen was there...... oh and i beat...... the older we get the harder it is to recover from a 23 hour day.... and i don't drink:puke: :headbang: :puke: :headbang: :puke: :headbang:
When I did my general surgery rotation, I did a stretch of 36-hour shifts every second day...basically on 36-hours, drive home, eat, sleep for 10 hours, drive back to the hospital, back on for 36 hours, etc...by the end of the week, my friends were referring to me as "Ernie the friendly ghost"
I used to work swing shift (!st shift one week, then 2nd, then 3rd and then back to first) for two years. I think that actually took some years off my life. Won't phase me in watching season premiere of 'Rescue Me' tommorow though.
It sucked more as a resident, where you had to stay in the hospital, and depending on the service you were on, might be up all night working and still expected to put in a full day. As a staff, it's not as bad...I might go in on the weekends to round, or in the early evening to supervise the resident, but at night, most of the time I just give supervision to the resident over the phone. Still, it keeps me from being able to drink...
I worked in a biochemistry lab for 4 summers in university, and every Friday afternoon we'd finish up early, head into the prof's office, fill his fridge with beer and drink. Sometimes we'd drink scotch out of 50 mL Falcon tubes.

:lol: I had a 250 ml beaker in college I brought home and used:yuk: :ill: o_O :zombie: :kickass:

Should have switched to a graduated cylinder, get it?? Anyone?? :bah:
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