OT: Your Top 3 "Most beautiful girls"

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Jodie Foster (Silence of the Lambs) is damn beautiful.

I also like Sabine (singer in Edenbridge), although she wears to much make-up on the latest promo pics.
Ret- said:
Another one from myspace



/stalk mode on
SR wrote
has anyone mentioned Sharon from Within Temptation yet? Im not going back through all the pages to check. She doesnt always take the best pictures, not that she ever looks bad in them but I never realised how beautiful she was until I saw her on their dvd

I got the Silent Force dvd for X-mas...she looks good on the Java Island concert for sure....definately a chick who benefits from make-up and straight black hair...wouldn't kick her out of bed for farting.
It's kind of scary that you're posting all these random myspace photos on here. Do you know these people or do you just hit the random profile link repeatedly until you find someone hot?
Beelzebub said:
It's kind of scary that you're posting all these random myspace photos on here. Do you know these people or do you just hit the random profile link repeatedly until you find someone hot?

I find them through people that are freinds of mine, add them, message them and keep in contact usually... usually people with the same interests (metal mainly etc) but yeah... I'm sorry if I've offended you or something... :cry:
Kenneth R. said:
and why are they all goth? :lol:

What is "goth' - How would you define "goth" anyway? to me they're not goth looking, to me they're really good looking - I'm just _really_ not into the whole surfy\colourful cloting(and labels etc)\tanned look atall - its lame, trend driven etc.. :)

pale\fair completely slays tanned.
Kenneth R. said:
and why are they all goth? :lol:
I dunno, guess that's his type?

Ret, I'm not offended or anything, I thought you didn't know these people. At least you have some idea of who they are. In any case it's none of my business what you do online; I was just wondering.
Ret- said:
pale\fair completely slays tanned.
to be more accurate, it's just as trendy these days to look as they do as to look like a surfer :lol:

personally i'm not into the piercings and makeup and all that, nor am i into pastel sweatshirts. Of course clothing is ultimately meaningless...
Kenneth R. said:
to be more accurate, it's just as trendy these days to look as they do as to look like a surfer :lol:

Yes but I've taken into consideration that these chicks are genuine and listen to good music, wear good clothes and they're DEFINATLEY not emo or wear tight jeans or have flop over hair or anything like that, they're completely different, the paleness (which rules) is still kinda there but if I know they're like that then I'm not all that fairly interested I guess, I mean comon you'd prefer a female that has similar music tastes\interests right?
actually no! I prefer one with completely different taste, to augment my own! I want to be able to introduce her to all my favorites and learn about hers, increasing my own scope as well.

I do admit I have a thing for dark hair, but not for pale skin. Personality is really everything though.....
Kenneth R. said:
to be more accurate, it's just as trendy these days to look as they do as to look like a surfer :lol:
Eh, I get your point, but I wouldn't call piercing your forehead (as that girl in the last photo did) trendy. Besides, I like goth people...
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