cold103 said:To ever be able to meet this woman to me would be so great! I would probably be all overwhelmed and acting weird though if it happened. Does anyone know who it is?
SilentRealm said:my links always work when i am posting them.. no one else has ever mentioned not being able to see them.
turke said:Actually i've watched an interview with her. And she was pretty boring while talking. She was also very quiet that her answers were hardly heard.
SilentRealm said:@ turke - my links always work when i am posting them.. no one else has ever mentioned not being able to see them.
@ tali - you know its the classy lines like that which make me remember how much i adore you lol.
SilentRealm said:i get all my pics off google and just copy and paste the urls into the img tags so i dont know why they wouldnt.
@ Tali, yeah right. your gf must be very proud
ptah knemu said:Now, this thread is just reminding me of how much I need a girlfriend.