OT: Your Top 3 "Most beautiful girls"

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Jenny Mccarthy


Kim Loan


Amanda Bynes


Dunno Who this is but she looks hawt!


Michelle Rodriguez :P

SilentRealm said:
You just didnt like me comparing those 'models' to post-op teenage boys with inflated soccer balls on their chest, as it ruined the image of 'perfection' most men seem to have about the way women should look from a pop culture societal viewpoint. Saying I belong in the kitchen isnt offensive, it was just a very lame come back and I expected more out of you Rich.

What's wrong with soccer balls?


Not that we go with girls on that post and it's way off topic, but I'm on the right...:p
MrFast said:
I didn't know you were french SR, that's great!

it is? :lol:

goth fiend said:
dont you threaten me with a good time

:lol: - well I didnt mean it that way, but.. what the hell, just pretend I did :p

War Blade said:
The top one is so fake and ugly...

yeah but the thing I dont mind about Jenny McCarthy is she has no problems poking fun at herself for being a bimbo. Like girls in the same league as Pamela Anderson and Carmen Electra, the bimbo act is merely a money-making scheme.
War_Blade said:
I agree, but you know, better safe then sorry...
I think we are all able to handle a little nipple that is done in a tasteful manner. You find more pornographic stuff in Maxim dude, seriously.

I like Jenny McCarthy for the same reason Silent said... she has the ability to point out she acts like a bimbo (anyone remember baseketball with the doorknob??? :lol: ) Not that hot, but damn is she funny.

Ahhhhhh.... good times.
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