Other Favourite Bands

Sorry for double posts. Does anybody like this? Sounds interesting.

Haven't really enjoyed them when I've heard them earlier, but their drummer is a fucking unhuman beast, that's for sure. I do like this song due to the much added Symphonic elements. When it's just pure Tech Death Metal where they guitarwank and play all their instruments the fastest they can it doesn't really interest me tbh.

It's a FACT that the solo in this song is the best fucking solo in history of mankind.
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I consider Wintersun guitar wankfest. I'm really not sure what is so attractive in this neoclassical solos. Ok, they can play fast, they can play arpeggios, but that's it. After a while, everything sounds the same to me. But hey, personal taste.


Who likes Death will probably like Obscura. :)

Now, this Cynic solo on 3.51 is fantastic.

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I've really been digging a lot of of more Progressive music lately.

The Human Abstract

Between The Buried and Me


Conducting From The Grave

The Architects

This or The Apocalypse

And then some heavier, more 'Deathy' stuff:

Mors Principium Est

Molotov Solution

Impending Doom

Darkest Hour

The Crimson Armada

The Black Dahlia Murder
We all know Soilwork, and whether you like The Pittsburgh Syndrome or not, I think this video is pretty awesome. Also, it's pretty fucking cool that the song is about the city in which I live. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YXLkfLxy7H0&NR=1

Soilwork are actually one of my favourite bands.

The only death metal band i'm truly a fan of, and listen to all of the time... Becoming the Archetype are a progressive death metal, with Christian beliefs- make no mistake though, their lyrics are fuckin' epic! ;)

3-part song combined into one.

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Waiting for Anders to cover this one live... :)


Btw, Hypocrisy rules!

Not really, but I bumped into a few good songs lately.

Though, I must say I find them more enjoyable than Dead by April, Sonic Syndicate, BVB (Sorry DE4life) and similar stuff.
My thoughts exactly.

Oh, another obscure melodeath band just for drawntoblack. :)

Not really, but I bumped into a few good songs lately.

Though, I must say I find them more enjoyable than Dead by April, Sonic Syndicate, BVB (Sorry DE4life) and similar stuff.
Sonic Syndicate is nowhere close any of those bands...And Linkin Park barely plays any metal whatsoever nowadays. I do like some songs Linkin Park has released as well, from the first 2 albums that is, that was actually somewhat heavy at times. Faint (song) is my personal favorite.

And actually, when that song with Jay Z was released I really liked it lol (I was like 12 years old) now, I don't really find it that awesome as I could remember.
Oh, another obscure melodeath band just for drawntoblack. :)

Right back at you buddy :) The first one is straight out old school swedish melodeath a la ATG with that sweet buzzsaw guitar tone, while the second band is more like IF, with harmonized dual guitar leads and everything.

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I like Sonic Syndicate. But I'm pretty sure their latest album (with new vocalist(s)?) was pretty lame. Not really aggressive or heavy at all if I recall. As for Linkin Park, we've talked about this before. I like old Linkin Park, nothing after Meteora.
Sonic Syndicate is nowhere close any of those bands...And Linkin Park barely plays any metal whatsoever nowadays.

Sorry man, I have never heard a decent song from Sonic Syndicate (gay vocals, gay look, weak guitars, happy keyboard tunes... terrible). As for Linkin Park, I guess I liked them when I was a kid (first album), but nowadays I don't know what are they doing, do they have a new album or anything... I just bump onto their songs on youtube...some of them I like, some of them are shit. Singer is good, they can write a cool song...that's it.

Right back at you buddy :) The first one is straight out old school swedish melodeath a la ATG with that sweet buzzsaw guitar tone, while the second band is more like IF, with harmonized dual guitar leads and everything.

Damn you dude! Always a step ahead. ;) Nice songs. Last few days I'm really in the mood for this buzzsaw stuff. Dismember, Hypocrisy, ATG all the way...oh, and Adele (!!! - yes, I have soft side, but she's a good singer).

Speaking of Dismember, check out the Iron Maiden-esque stuff from 3.40 onward.


Also, if you guys can ignore modern approach and annoying vocals, check out this. These dudes know their instruments. Really nice calm parts after 5.40. I'm interested in your opinion on this. :)

And in the end, cool song from Sylosis.

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Thats cool, I like Adele too. Good singing is good singing, no matter what genre. Anyway, even though I'm a sucker for melodies, I like how Dismember dont overuse them, after all, they are a death metal band. That way when they do put a sweet harmony like this in a song, it really has a much bigger impact. Great band.

As far as it goes for Painted in Exile, the music is hit and miss, but those clean vocals are just atrocius :) Just my opinion. But I did really like that calm jazzy interlude, they should have all songs like that :) I also liked the girls from the video, if that counts :p

Speaking of smooth jazz, just so we show that we can as well be classy gentlemen, when needed :)

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Wow, that's cool. Real "summer" feeling about it. :)

Painted in Exile - it's like Opeth and Cynic mixed with some shitty deathcore/emo/whatever band. Those clean vocals should be forbidden by state law. Also, guy has a really annoying face... But those girls don't, and that counts. :D
Devil's orchard thingy?

I don't know. Weird sound, a bit confusing, too much keys for band that lost keyboard player. Still, not bad. Can't judge a single song, Opeth records require time.

What do you think?
Same here, I dont know what to think. A lot of moments that I didnt exactly like, but like you said, Opeth's stuff requires time, since they were never catchy on the first listening, at least for me.
Funny cover artwork btw.
Yeah, artwork is funny. Warm and weird. Per's head falling down is definitely the highlight.

I like the new ideas, but new drummer tends to overplay some parts. Chill out man!
I'm yet to catch on to Opeth. Can anyone give me some songs by them that are their most accessible, and that define them as a band? I'm open minded about them- every metalhead that thinks they are 'metulz' listens to them, so i thought i'd give them a go- listened to the new Devil's Orchard track, but i just don't get the band at the moment. I need a few songs to get me into them. Any ideas guys?