Other Favourite Bands


The first one has death metal and that progressive rock thing combined. The other two dont have death metal elements, so its just clean singing. Enjoy.
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I've never really had any interest in Opeth. His DM vocals are sick, and those parts of the music are actually pretty good, but when he's doing his clean vocals, it sounds like singer songwriter music to me. And when I heard that the upcoming album will feature ZERO growls I lol'd. Kind of pissing on your fanbase, but kudos to him for doing what he personally wants and don't give a fuck about anything or anyone. I find the band really boring anyway, and prog rock? Ugh.
I know it seems weird but I barely listen to Metal with the exception of a few bands. (I was a big time Metalhead when I first joined but I still stay for the community)
The handful of Metal bands I still like (including In Flames of course :D) are Opeth, Katatonia, Cynic, and Baroness

I'm mostly into Punk, usually more experimental Punk bands in the Post Hardcore (real Post-Hardcore) and Post-Rock influenced Hardcore...


La Dispute:


Also a lot of Electronic music...



Atari Teenage Riot:

and Progressive Rock...

The Mars Volta:

Tera Melos:

and then when I need to calm down and chill out, I always turn to something along the lines of Indie/Alternative Rock

Portugal. The Man:

Regina Spektor:

Other genres I have interest in are New Wave, Jazz, Post-Rock, Alternative Hip-Hop, 60s/70s Rock, Reggae, etc. I'm all over the place.
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The first one has death metal and that progressive rock thing combined. The other two dont have death metal elements, so its just clean singing. Enjoy.

Cheers man, some good stuff. I can see what Krofius means though, the calm songs can seem like a one-man-band. When listening to The Devil's Orchard, i was wondering when it would pick up. I guess the death metal parts inject the energy.
I also never got into Opeth. I've listened to a few songs and I feel like the same calm riff is just repeated for more than two minutes. Don't get me wrong, I love long songs such as those by Dream Theater, but I feel as though DT doesn't repeat a riff for that long. They keep keep the songs interesting when it's a calm, soft part. Maybe I need to listen to more? I still have them on my iPod so I might give them a better second chance.
Opeth bore me to tears.

I've had the misfortune of seeing them headline twice at the same festival... both times they were incredibly boring. They don't seem like a live band to me, more like mood music. I will say that the vocalist himself is a funny guy, and the bits between the songs were quite entertaining. Just not the music itself.

Some people love 'em, but I personally have never gotten into them. Usually I reserve judgement on a band until I've seen them live. Opeth did not change my impression of them at all when I saw them live - they only reinforced it.
Opeth requires a bit time to get into. I wasn't "geting it" the first time I listened to it, but when you learn to enjoy the atmosphere and layers of the music it becomes fantastic.

One of the truly great bands of our time.

I like prog rock and other weird stuff, and I like death metal so Opeth is perfect combination for me. ;)

Try this one:

Great song, and real fun to play.


Find their album "Blackwater park" (that one is easy to get into). Relax and give it a few listens.
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Lets spam some more melodeath goodies :)

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Nice stuff. A little bit of everything (good) in there.

Wtf is this suposed to be?

drawntoblack, that band was decent, but it really feels like an IF rip-off too me. In the first song, the intro is somewhat similar to Behind Space '99, not so much though. But after that intro it's almost an exact copy of Ordinary Story.
I dont really see it as a rip off. The only similarity is that the song structure is somewhat similar (both songs have just drums and bass going in verse, no guitars, with piano). The melodies are completely different. But hey, thats just me.

@A88 that is my reaction too haha. Cant wait for it anyway though.

Excellent chorus in this one.

That DT thingy looks really cool. Hope that music is better than WATV.

Now I gonna "promote" a few local bands:

Sangre Eterna - modern melodeath

Tales of Dark - doom/gothic

Rain Delay - doom/fusion/melodeath/whatever (but this song is quite melodeath-ish)
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I dont really see it as a rip off. The only similarity is that the song structure is somewhat similar (both songs have just drums and bass going in verse, no guitars, with piano). The melodies are completely different. But hey, thats just me.

@A88 that is my reaction too haha. Cant wait for it anyway though.
Yeah well, after the melodic guitar intro, then it's the piano, bass & drum and the whispering/clean vocals (more whispering in this song though than in Ordinary) and then it goes for the chorus just like in Ordinary, then the drum, bass & piano verse again. But the guitar melody in the chorus is a little bit different indeed. It's basically the song structure and the feel of the song.
Amazing song.

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This dude is the new guitar player for the Mors Principium Est. This song isnt really in that style, but outstanding guitar work anyway.

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This guy rocks!

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