Our common congrats to BERSERK


Fatuous lapse of nature
Dec 18, 2004
Dear f(r)iend!

Let us (and me personaly) congratulate you with your birth_DAY. Today is a day as they say ;). So I wish you really great gig on saturday (it would be the best present to you, I believe). Continue like this :headbang: and don't be like that :ill: (before the gig in particular). So, hold on my f(r)iend. Meet ya later!
Congatulations to you, brother!
Let the inspiration be your guide through the dark twisted passeges of life to the triumph of creativity!

Sincerely yours,
Zoltan from endless Pristmarian woods...
Is it common to congratulate people for their birthday in Russia?

In the U.S. we just say "Happy Birthday"
Zoltan from Pristmar said:
Yes, this is normal. We bless the man, who has a birthday, and wish him different goods. That's some sort of tradition.

we blow out candles and make wishes :Smug:
Really? When I lived back in Moldavia under Soviet rule, they always picked me up in chairs and tossed me about here and there. I figured it was part of the tradition.