First of the new album lionheart is the best for me so far closly followed my unleash ok that out the way.
Me and my girlfriend set of from york north yorkshire on the 2nd oct about 7.15am, this was my 20th saxon concert and my girlfriends 1st saxon concert baptism of fire yeah. We went down in the car and got to the outskirts of london 9 mile of the centre about 11am ish, and the car decides it wants a rest cutting out right on a busy round a bout great stuff not 200 odd mile away from home no breackdown cover oh shit. After a few mins it decides to start up gets it to the side of the road with steam coming out of it what more could we ask for and all im thinking is of god were going to miss the concert. Anyhow after waiting a while we toppped the water up and lucky enough we get on our way again. Next thing to do was find the centre of london and some accomondation as luck would have it all the cheapish places filled up and the other ones costing at least 300 pounds a night, small change i think not so we gave that up as a lost cause in the end and started to look for charing cross. Not easy when youve got traffic up your arse and you dont no where youre going, so we decided to park up and walk it first to find out how to get there 4 quid for 1 hr parking, so we worked it out got back to the car and found the nearest long stay car park which in the end cost us just short of 30 pounds ouch. Into the concert we got and right to the front just in front of nibbs great stuff and a great concert must of been somewhere between 2hrs 15 mins to 2 and a half hrs. Great stuff couldent have asked for anything better and nice and loud as well. We gets out the concert couldent find the car park cause everything at night when you dont no a place looks different, after 20 mins or so and asking people for there help we find the car. drove back home and got back about 3 ish in the morning well knackered and very happy. We got some pics as well so when we get them developed well send em to this site so you all can see em hope they come out ok.
So posotive things about the concert was the concert thanks to saxon for a great album lionheart and a great concert.
Negative things about the concert none at all, apart from dont forget about ya fans in yorkshire saxon and why you guys couldent have played at least one concert in yorkshire somewhere ill never no, it would have saved us a fortune in car parks pertrol etc etc and you saxon are from yorkshire please dont forget next tour.
Me and my girlfriend set of from york north yorkshire on the 2nd oct about 7.15am, this was my 20th saxon concert and my girlfriends 1st saxon concert baptism of fire yeah. We went down in the car and got to the outskirts of london 9 mile of the centre about 11am ish, and the car decides it wants a rest cutting out right on a busy round a bout great stuff not 200 odd mile away from home no breackdown cover oh shit. After a few mins it decides to start up gets it to the side of the road with steam coming out of it what more could we ask for and all im thinking is of god were going to miss the concert. Anyhow after waiting a while we toppped the water up and lucky enough we get on our way again. Next thing to do was find the centre of london and some accomondation as luck would have it all the cheapish places filled up and the other ones costing at least 300 pounds a night, small change i think not so we gave that up as a lost cause in the end and started to look for charing cross. Not easy when youve got traffic up your arse and you dont no where youre going, so we decided to park up and walk it first to find out how to get there 4 quid for 1 hr parking, so we worked it out got back to the car and found the nearest long stay car park which in the end cost us just short of 30 pounds ouch. Into the concert we got and right to the front just in front of nibbs great stuff and a great concert must of been somewhere between 2hrs 15 mins to 2 and a half hrs. Great stuff couldent have asked for anything better and nice and loud as well. We gets out the concert couldent find the car park cause everything at night when you dont no a place looks different, after 20 mins or so and asking people for there help we find the car. drove back home and got back about 3 ish in the morning well knackered and very happy. We got some pics as well so when we get them developed well send em to this site so you all can see em hope they come out ok.
So posotive things about the concert was the concert thanks to saxon for a great album lionheart and a great concert.
Negative things about the concert none at all, apart from dont forget about ya fans in yorkshire saxon and why you guys couldent have played at least one concert in yorkshire somewhere ill never no, it would have saved us a fortune in car parks pertrol etc etc and you saxon are from yorkshire please dont forget next tour.