Out of curiosity...


Not blessed, or merciful
Apr 11, 2001
Sarf Lundin, Innit
What do you think of Ultimate Metal? What do you like about it? What do you hate about it? What would you like to see changed, or added (or removed!)?

I'm just curious to see whether we're doing things right, or not hitting all the right notes ;)

Maybe I am not the suitable person the reply this,since I am totally addcited to this forums:loco:
UM and ICQ eat up the biggest-part of my net time....

Well,what I particularly enjoy about UM is that they are so many forums gathered here,I won't have to run from webpage to webpage all the time... Also it's fun that most users post in several forums...
Apart from these I also like the fact that one can use cool options like profiles,PM,smilies,quotes,avatars etc etc...

All in all I think Ultimate Metal is very cool! :)
Hmmm changes,I can't say there is something I don't like
As for any new ideas....hmmmm .... I can't come up with something really interesting!

Keep up the good work guys!!
this site is the one i visit the most on the whole internet, so your doing great stuff. keep up the good work. oh and i thought that thingy under your avatar saying posts: and then posts in this forum:... was a good thing, why was it taken away? anyway who cares keep up the good work El Barto.
Like I read above the log in textbox must appear inmediately after you push the forum link on the home of the page.

I will also love that in the search for members of ultimate metal you could search for country or place where you live so maybe I can find another Chilean who posts in this site.

The other thing is that you should move some forums, like the ones that name bands outside their official forums.
Like some forums of Opeth in Nevermore official forums and some Nevermore F. on Angel Dust official, maybe this guys enter from the official pages of the bands and they don't know that there are other official forums on the site, well maybe I'm all wrong.

Well that's all I can think right now

Hasta la proxima!
I think we need to get rid of all these avatar things and get rid of being able to see who is viewing what forum. Then we need to get rid of some forums....well all of the forums except "Chat" because chat is the supreme forum! ;)

Great work so far....for a caveman :p
Hey, I like the AVs and the ability to see who's on what forums! Gives everything a nice 'big brother' vibe.

Can staff post? Cos I've got a few things about the reviews forum...

For instance, is there a little icon we could opt to put alongside the really positive reviews (like a gold star) and the really negative reviews (like, I dunno, a little turd) so people pay these reviews special attention?

Also, how about having the 'thread started by' columm back on it - I'm having a nightmare backtracking throught the whole forum compiling my reviews for future CV purposes... :)

Other than that, everything's just perfect!
its golden.,.,but it would be alot better if you would limit the number of Slipknot threads.,.,.other than that.,.,keep up the good work :headbang:
What this place really needs is a Bal-Sagoth forum, and more people posting in the Dan Swanö forum dammit! That guy's been in something like 50 bands, most of them deserving a forum in themselves, why the hell are so few people posting there?
Originally posted by dill_the_devil
started by' columm back on it - I'm having a nightmare backtracking throught the whole forum compiling my reviews for future CV purposes... :)

CV purposes :err: I've only written one, but I'm making aCV for uni soon, so please enlighten me :D I need all the help I can get to look like a good student :D
Originally posted by Ormir
What this place really needs is a Bal-Sagoth forum, and more people posting in the Dan Swanö forum dammit! That guy's been in something like 50 bands, most of them deserving a forum in themselves, why the hell are so few people posting there?

Give it sometime, the Vintersorg forum is just staring to heat up and it has been around for a few months. I am sure there will be plenty of people in time!