Overrated albums

I totally disagree woth everyone of your overated album except for Slaughter of the Soul.

a few off the top of my head:
Master of the Puppets
Scenes from a memory
Damnation, Deliverance
Cannibal Corpse - Tomb Of The Mutilated
Darkthrone - Transylvanian Hunger
Death - The Sound Of Perseverance (still a good CD though)
Metallica - Master Of Puppets
Anything by Dream Theater
Slayer - Reign In Blood
Iron Maiden - Dance Of Death

Not that I don't like these CDs, I like all of them (except for Dream Theater), I just think that they're overrated.
Morbid Angel-Blessed Are The Sick(has some cool moments though)
Deicide - S/T,Legion
Cannibal Corpse - Any
Dream Theater - Any
Iron Maiden - Any
Judas Priest - Any
AC/DC- Any (all there songs sound the same to me and are so plain and boring). Maybe the bands theory is to be the most plain,Sterile,simple and least creative because they do the same thing on every cd. I do not know
"Tomb Of The Mutilated" is a masterpiece IMO. Same with "In Their Darkened Shrines".

Here are a few that I find overrated:

At The Gates - Any
In Flames - Any
Opeth - Any
Metallica - Any except Kill 'em All

I also agree with Living Inside when it comes to AC/DC, Judas Priest and Iron Maiden. Terrible bands.
Origin - Infinitas Informis Inhumanitas (it sucks)
Dream Theater - All
Children of Bodom - All
Iced Earth - Everything they've released after Night of the Stormrider
Mithras - Worlds Beyond the Veil
slayer - reign in blood, i mean i cant give this cd enough props, but what my complaint is is that this cd is the staple for when you hear about slayer, when i think in all factuality not considering production, hell awaits is a far superior album.
Since someone mentioned AC DC, it seems that we are not just talking about metal here. So then I feel obligated to mention Led Zeppelin. They don't deserve any of the praise they get. They sucked bigtime.
Pantera - Cowboys From Hell
I can't believe people say this is their best album. I like it but still they ripped off Exhorder's style of metal. Their later albums are a lot better.

Metallica - Any
They were good in the past but I don't get why people think they were so great in thrash.

Morbid Angel - Altars Of Madness
Yes, it's a good album but I dont think it's as godly as it is praised.

I can't believe you're all saying Reign In Blood is overrated. Few of the songs in there were boring but "Criminally Insane" and "Raining Blood" made it all worth it.
Mayhem - De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas
This is supposed to be one of the most incredible black metal albums ever? what a snoozefest...

Morbid Angel - Altars of Madness
Great album yes, but definatlely their worst. Too bad 90% of people think its their best.

Iced Earth - Something Wicked This Way Comes
Again, excellent album, but many think its their best and I think its one of their worst. Horror Show tops it easily.

Iron Maiden - Piece of Mind
Yet again. One of their worst, imo, and everyone thinks its one of their best.

Ulver - Bergtatt
Agalloch does the same thing except 500x better.
Darkthrone - Transylvanian Hunger
Emperor - Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk
Cannibal Corpse - The Bleeding
Metallica - Master of Puppets
Cradle of Filth - Dusk & Her Embrace
Morbid Angel - Formulas Fatal to the Flesh
Satyricon - Nemesis Divina
Sepultura - Chaos A.D.
anything by Dimmu Borgir
I just bought Slaughter of the Soul, and IMO it kicks ass.

Surprisingly, I sort of agree with Maiden's Piece of Mind, they're my favorite band, but this one is not that great, though most fans place it very high on their lists.
Cynic - Focus
Dimmu Borgir - Enthrone Darkness Triumphant and Puritanical....whatever
Opeth - Blackwater Park
Strapping Young Lad - City
Arcturus - The Sham Mirrors
I just want to say that in my opinion Ulver's Bergtatt is nothing similar to anything Agalloch has done. Both bands are extremely good though.

I just wanted to say that they aren't similar