Overrated "Classics"

Sort of a silly thing to ask, but why do all of you feel such a compulsive need to defend the albums being criticized? - especially when the spotlight falls onto one you particularly enjoy? Who exactly are any of you trying to convince?
Yeah, footbalm just sorta summed up this whole thread–both the initial trolltastic reviews and the Metal Inquisition-led sarcastic defenses. We're having too much fun to think about this logically.

GoD–maybe if you counted Raining Blood & Postmortem as one song, perhaps...but honestly, "Angel of Death" is just a perfectly crafted song. It possibly sums up the entire thrash genre in five minutes, terrible soloing included. Actually, the lead is really quite decent–great for Slayer.
'Planetary Eulogy' how about a review on 'Adramalech-Psychostasia'.
The Greys said:
'Planetary Eulogy' how about a review on 'Adramalech-Psychostasia'.
How on earth is that overrated? Not only is it a kick-ass album, but almost no one ever mentions it, and it sure as hell doesn't get the constant fellation of the albums so far in this thread.
Pyrus said:
Show No Mercy > Reign In Blood in terms of sheer enjoyment, though Reign In Blood was clearly instrumental in the development of further styles and all that. And "Angel of Death" is of course one of the ten greatest thrash metal songs ever. No argument. But Show No Mercy is just more enjoyable to listen to–better constructed songs (mostly), far more coherent.

Hell Awaits > all other Slayer anyway.
I'll agree with most of this. I was in no way saying Reign in Blood is crap, I was just saying that it was overrated. Show No Mercy is good fun to listen to, and I enjoy Tom's more thrash-y screams on that album over his more "yelling" on Reign in Blood.
Pyrus said:
See, Falco judges everything on terms of how it contributed to the development of artistic extreme metal. Everything else–enjoyment, innovation in different directions, technical expertise-can be disregarded.

Agreed, but is that a *good* thing?

J. said:
yeah, Demilich is way overrated. And Megadeth, too. Slayer as well. Morbid Angel. Suffocation. Opeth. Behemoth. Your mama.


PE said:
Anytime you strip music down to rhythm and distortion, that's what you're really aiming at.


Mein Kampf was the most important book of the 20th century, but I don't see anyone reading it on the beach.


misfit said:
Symbolic > Human (althought both rule)

Rust in Peace, Peace Sells, but Who''s Buying, So Far, So Good, So What all rule, with Countdown and Killing is my Business honourable mentions (I fail to see medicority)

Nespithe I completely disagree as well. Musically, I think its quite an enjoyable album, and lyrically, from the short glimpses I have taken, there seem to be some interesting ideas, however, vocally, it is atrocious.

Yes. I totally agree.

Pyrus said:
GoD–maybe if you counted Raining Blood & Postmortem as one song, perhaps...

Yeah, I kind of do, but Angel of Death was the first Slayer song I ever heard, so it has a nostalgic element to it.

footbalm said:
It's not as much about making the moran change his mind as about telling him he's a moran.

Best statement in this thread.
Cynical said:
How on earth is that overrated? Not only is it a kick-ass album, but almost no one ever mentions it, and it sure as hell doesn't get the constant fellation of the albums so far in this thread.

I'm not saying it is overrated, I'm just curious what he has to say about the album. I should have made that more clear, personally I think it's underrated.
I still think Nespithe sucks, and that it's hugely overrated. As is all At The Gates. Grotesque, on the other hand, is quite good, and is about the only time in which I can tolerate 'Tompa's' vocals.
The Greys said:
I'm not saying it is overrated, I'm just curious what he has to say about the album. I should have made that more clear, personally I think it's underrated.
Ah, gotcha.

Psychostacia is underrated, but Pure Blood Doom is by far Adramelech's best.
Nespithe is certainly overrated. I was waiting for other people to start saying it. I mean, the music's pretty decent, in a catchy sort of way, but the vocals are horrendous.
Cynical said:
Ah, gotcha.

Psychostacia is underrated, but Pure Blood Doom is by far Adramelech's best.

I'm going to have to disagree on the 'pure blood doom' statement. Maybe because I am more partial to the guitarists on 'Pyschostasia' than the new guys they recruited for 'pure blood doom'. I would rather have heard a follow up with the original guitarists. I like the way they play more, they are original as hell and badass, it's more classic/genuine sounding stuff to my ears than 'pure blood doom'. 'Pure Blood Doom' sounds less original but it has the modernized touch which some people might prefere. Not me
The Greys said:
I'm going to have to disagree on the 'pure blood doom' statement. Maybe because I am more partial to the guitarists on 'Pyschostasia' than the new guys they recruited for 'pure blood doom'. I would rather have heard a follow up with the original guitarists. I like the way they play more, they are original as hell and badass, it's more classic/genuine sounding stuff to my ears than 'pure blood doom'. 'Pure Blood Doom' sounds less original but it has the modernized touch which some people might prefere. Not me
Psychostasia wasn't all that original, though; it was a lot like "In Pains" or a much softer version of "Children of the Scorn", at least to my ears.

Then again, I never listened to it all that much, and I'm going from memory, so I could be wrong.