Overwhelmed by Music?


Jan 24, 2008
Does anyone ever feel overwhelmed by the amount of music available? I only really listen to Folk?viking type stuff I.E. Falkenbach and Black Metal and some Industrial but sometimes I feel as though i am always one step behind everyone else. I mean, I'm still trying to get a lot of older stuff some of the more essential stuff and at the same time, new shit is coming out. So how does everyone else feel? I buy more than 5 albums a month but it never seems like enough:mad:
I'm not overwhelmed as much as frustrated by the fact that there is so much excellent music out there I haven't discovered yet, even within the small genre of Black Metal.
It's one of the many things that makes me wish I could have more hours active in a day without suffering the consequences.
I couldn't be happier about it... discovering music is a hobby that has no end. I will be entertained by it forever.

Pretty much. Even though the ratio of good artists to mediocre artists I discover may diminish over time, there will always be something else worth listening to out there.
I feel the same as Zeph now that i think about it. There just isn't enough time in the day to listen to everything that i want to
I agree. But I also feel that way about almost everything, not just music. Makes life feel very unfulfilling when you always "lust" for more, IMHO.
I get overwhelmed by movies rather than music. With movies I feel like there are lots of essentials I have to watch. Music is way more expansive and I feel like it's not worth even trying. I just listen to what I like, and I know there are always new sounds when I need um.
I get frustrated because my impulse these days is to spend my whole paycheck on music... and then I flood my house with tears over the fact that so much more music I need to buy. My problem is that my taste will spread out, I'll buy a bunch of stuff, and then I'll focus on a very specific sub-subgenre (I.E. Finnish BM), and not have enough of it, nor enough money to get more of it.
Does anyone ever feel overwhelmed by the amount of music available? I only really listen to Folk?viking type stuff I.E. Falkenbach and Black Metal and some Industrial but sometimes I feel as though i am always one step behind everyone else. I mean, I'm still trying to get a lot of older stuff some of the more essential stuff and at the same time, new shit is coming out. So how does everyone else feel? I buy more than 5 albums a month but it never seems like enough:mad:

I hate it. Especially because every time I feel like I'm starting to catch up someone will mention a band I've never heard of and everyone will be talking about them like they're universally known or something.
Constant discovery of great stuff should be enough to keep anyone happy. Trying to be "up with everyone else" is a fruitless endeavour.
It's more like trying to avoid those situations where everyone is talking about some band like they're the new Sabbath and you have no idea what's going on.
And also wanting to fucking hear that band.
Constant discovery of great stuff should be enough to keep anyone happy. Trying to be "up with everyone else" is a fruitless endeavour.

I'm the same way. I do feel overwhelmed sometimes, but I just don't have the time to listen to and check out everything I'd want to. In many ways it's better this way. I would hate it if I had already listened to nearly everything worthwhile that each genre I like had to offer.

And honestly, I really don't care if I haven't heard the latest kvlt black metal album that legions of keyboard warriors are fellating on teh metal forumz. Whatever.
im annoyed at how fucking broke my ass is in that i can only afford a pathetic 8GB ipod, which is not even close to the amount of space i need.