Own Pictures Thread

hat :D

Nerevarine: Why not? Did you just grow out of it?

I got into metal when I was about 16 years old, but before I used to listen some bands like: " Limp Bizkit, Eminem, Metallica and The Offsprings ":lol: , later my brother knew therion browsing randomly on the Internet and he showed it to me and with the pass of the time I knew more bands, but about mmm one year ago I lost the interest and I started a new research and now I listen to all sort of music.

PS. You can call me Alexis :p
Eli_Eli_Eli said:
Definitely my fav pic in the whole thread... an amazing pic of a lovely guy, and a fantastic guitarplayer.

(Now I really hope your cheeks became red more and more, Mitch... hahaha!!)

Nope, I didn't :OMG: I missed that, link link please :headbang:

Click the link in my sig...recordings of the reaper and it's the top one. Click the "hi-fi" thing and listen to the intro. :p

I actually loved it the first time I listened to it so I had to use it. :heh:

(It's not 'till about 30 secs)
@After Midnight:

that's so fuckin' sweet :yuk: how the hell did you know where i was that night? i should have posted the drinking picture first and that would have made the sequence better?!:erk: and BTW...circus folk are the best...they are a pure and clean people who would never think of drugging a poor drunk girl like myself...

aww are you mad? It's ok. Not everyone was blessed with beauty.
aww are you mad? It's ok. Not everyone was blessed with beauty.

^@ squee, i think she just wants to be a cunt to a "noob". bwtf ever, SHE should know that everyone isn't blessed with beauty. she's just fuckin' pissed cuz i don't look like a post-op patient for a sex change operation who can't fuckin' spell BOURBON.... cunt-tastic!