Own Pictures Thread


Thats me a year ago, nothing changed since except I'm taller and the thing I'm holding is an axe in that picture :lol:

Hello...and welcome here! :wave:
Typicial unfocused cynic mind. I did karate for somewhere in the vicinity of 3 months when I was 12. It sucked and I was bored. Id rather hit you in the head with a baseball bat than do some fancy bicycle kick.

I did karate for 7 years, i got my brown belt and then i quit, it's a bit too much discipline for a 14 year old, but it would be cool to start again if i had the time.



I got my black belt in shyorun ryu when I was 12.

too bad I hardly remember any of that shit.

Yes, like I said, someone who trains a lot and fights in competition but has never really be in an actual fight doesn't really have any advantage over someone who has experience in fights. Sure it gives them some help but I would necessarily say that being a black belt guarantees you to win a fight. When I was in grade two I was a major bully and I rushed some asian kid who then fucking judo flipped onto my ass. I'll never forget that day :lol: Incidentally in grade 10 I kicked the shit out of a kid who's taken karate all his life and can break bricks with his hands and all that shit. Depends on the person I guess, some can apply what they learned, some can't.
I started on April. This was my first exam. Now i'm gonna be green belt 9º kyu.

nice. always good to see new faces in the art etc :)

Black kimonos are awesome.

wtf? :lol:

kimonos are traditional japanese girl's wear. Heartless got it right...

I think they're called "gi's"... not sure the spelling.

Yes, I know, just normally white belt is for children you know, it reminds me of that Seinfeld episode when Kramer takes karate with all the kids.

I know a guy who has taken judo all his life, he's a really tall skinny kid, he can do all this crazy shit, he's trained with knives, everything really, he's supposedly a deadly force. Yet he's never been in a fight and he's a huge pussy who's too scared when shit actually happens. Just goes to show that all the training in the world doesn't help if you don't have the courage and the experience.

experience, yes, courage, no. no question fight simulation is 23432143 times important, just like simulations in ANYTHING in life. however, it's not a measure of courage, simply morality.

Probably because America is overrun with these Tae Kwon Doe schools which are geared towards taking parents' money (in most cases). That's why you see 7-year-olds running around with black belts and little or no actual skill, because their parents' just paid for their belt. In the school I go to you have to be at least 15 and have 5 years experience to become a black belt and the higher black belt ranks can take >30 years to achieve.

TKD = Take Your Dough :lol:

IMO martial arts not being used to literally beat the shit of out someone else on a regular basis (Read: Mixed martial arts fighting leagues) is lame.

shut the fuck up.

You've been watching too much karate kid and dragon ball z.

again, shut the fuck up.

Typicial unfocused cynic mind. I did karate for somewhere in the vicinity of 3 months when I was 12. It sucked and I was bored. Id rather hit you in the head with a baseball bat than do some fancy bicycle kick.

:lol: As a Canadian who has lived in the country most of his childhood and has fell in his share of ponds... I can already imagine how cold that fucking water is just by looking at it.


What is this?? Looks shooped? Pixels?


XD That's a picture of a random lawyer we found in the back of the phone book. We taped it to a colored pencil and used it as a puppet.