Own Pictures Thread

I don't know, I think I have an infection or some kind of blockage, it fucking hurts though :lol:
If you push on your puncta (the space where your tears drain into your nose) does your eye water? I wonder if your duct is plugged up.

Who the fuck are you two?

I just drove 2 hours home from Westfield after sleeping only an hour...and I've still yet to shower.


He's with us now...



Don't forget he owns the internet.



basically yeah.
Patches arrived yesterday,pics taken with a suckable cam.

Iron Maiden - Fear of The Dark,Black Sabbath logo,Metallica - Kill 'Em All,Twisted Sister ,Guns 'n Roses,Dio - Holy Diver,Bathory,Iron Maiden - The Number of The Beast,Burzum - Hvis Lyset Tar Oss,Immortal - Sons of Northern Darkness,Sodom,Darkthrone - The Cult is Alive

Amon Amarth,Immortal - One By One,Gorgoroth - Twilight of the Gods,Sodom,Darkthrone backpatch

Kinda dissapointed in the darkthrone backpatch quality,it's quite unreadable becouse of the grey letters used instead of white.
Still quite an open vest tho I couldn't find patches from bands like Nuclear Assault,Drudkh,Satyricon,Saxon,Testament..