Own Pictures Thread

New jacket is new.

you always hold your head up high, kinda knight-ish... if you get what i'm trying to say...

nice jacket btw, i like that in a man

Just some local shitty merch shop that only stocks Iron Maiden and Darkthrone shirts :lol: The one I ordered from EMP was taking too long to arrive :rofl:
Just some local shitty merch shop that only stocks Iron Maiden and Darkthrone shirts :lol: The one I ordered from EMP was taking too long to arrive :rofl:

:lol: i see
the only place I can get leather jackets around here is TK MAX :lol: and they're all ugly.
New jacket is new.


Nice jacket! but you are making a very weird face :lol: Like a "Let see the pics on my phone... Ok... ok no seriously, what the hell is that? Ok, I'm so not touching that..."

You is purty, Mystique, AND you play guitar. That is a perfect score in my book.

Dreams keeps a man alive. It gives him strength.

Mystique, you're sooo pretty :)

Fuck youo! :lol:

That's a cool one, didn't figure you would look like that. You actually look alot like Chris Broderick, better start buffing up those arms :lol:

:lol: Atm they're still recovering of 2 months of no phisical activity afrer the injury, maybe later, :lol: Although if it helps me to play like Chris then I'm so doing it, :lol:

that's if he even wants to look like Chris in the first place.:lol:

:lol::lol::lol: I don't want to play with Dave Mustaine, but otherwise Chirs is cool, and he's a tremendous player, :kickass: