Own Pictures Thread

All natural black hair. in the sun though, it turns slightly red. my family is from southern Italy.
"If criminality was inherited, then the born criminal could be distinguished by physical atavistic stigmata, such as:

large jaws, forward projection of jaw, low sloping foreheads
high cheekbones, flattened or upturned nose
handle-shaped ears
large chins, very prominent in appearance
hawk-like noses or fleshy lips
hard shifty eyes, scanty beard or baldness
insensitivity to pain, long arms"

Just have to mention.. I LOVE this stuff. I swear by it.
I ran into Creepy Guy tonight (he works 3 blocks from where I live). He brought up these pictures which he also has and said how much he loves this one in particular because of how he looks. Exact quote: "Ya know I don't like a bunch of them cause I look stupid but that one is just so Marilyn Manson I love it!"

Yup. He also had to go out of his way to talk about how his nipple rings were bothering him and how he's such a freak. I took the moment to analyze the situation and quickly realized it wasn't a great idea to go on the "I had a nipple ring too!" tangent. I made a quick escape.
woah? just tell him to fuck off if you don't like him and don't pose for pics with him???:lol:
Eh, for girls it's not the same I mean, someone that high up on the creepy scale is a bit intimidating, who knows how he might react to her saying that :lol: Might bust out his Twlight novel and cry, or he might go beserk and become some kind of parking lot rapist.
Where are the stripping pics!? :kickass: But jesus :lol: What a faggot I feel totally bad for you. I mean, look at this guy. P.S. Getting drunk to be numb to his creepiness was a bad idea :lol: Especially when he's the bartender god knows what could have happened!
I'm STILL waiting for the damn stripping pics. The "photographer" is taking foreverrrrrr. Oh, and it's ok- I was the bartender and made my own drinks.
Oh god :lol: You definitely need A GUY to tell him to back the fuck off, get a male friend, or some random guy (although you may just be swapping out one stalker for another if you do that) to tell this guy to fuck off, you're not interested and if he sees him bothering you one more time he's gonna take the $3 tube of lipstick he smeared all over his face and jam it down his dickhole.
:lol: Yea... you got the right idea. Problem is my male friends are either flamin' gay (ineffective) or not physically/verbally intimidating enough to make him pay attention. He's got a very "superior" and conceited attitude about himself so it's a challenge to get him to process anything that doesn't come from his thoughts as truth.

I was thinking of deleting him from the friends list, but I've decided against it. Always best to keep an eye on him.
I keep a relatively close eye on all of my little admirers when I feel they're potentially threatening. It's better to be aware and involved than oblivious and removed.
was it Halloween?o_O
Nah, was an after party for a fetish ball. I was dressed down compared to most people there.

Oh and btw, one guy there def tried to hire me to be his dominatrix. He tried for about 10 minutes to get me to agree til I said my current two slaves would be jealous if I were to spread my punishment elsewhere.
I'm STILL waiting for the damn stripping pics. The "photographer" is taking foreverrrrrr. Oh, and it's ok- I was the bartender and made my own drinks.

Yeah, I misread that. And was too lazy to fix my mistake. But please do share the pics when they come, or at least PM them to me ;)

:lol: Yea... you got the right idea. Problem is my male friends are either flamin' gay (ineffective) or not physically/verbally intimidating enough to make him pay attention. He's got a very "superior" and conceited attitude about himself so it's a challenge to get him to process anything that doesn't come from his thoughts as truth.

:lol: I swear to God if I was there you wouldn't be having any problems with that guy. I feel for you though, I get sick when old ladies eye rape me, I can only imagine how it feels to have that stalking you. Find a stronger male friend to protect you in these situations although like I said you might jsut be trading in the 'creepy' guy for a 'tough' guy.
:lol: I swear to God if I was there you wouldn't be having any problems with that guy. I feel for you though, I get sick when old ladies eye rape me, I can only imagine how it feels to have that stalking you. Find a stronger male friend to protect you in these situations although like I said you might jsut be trading in the 'creepy' guy for a 'tough' guy.
I have the perfect male specimen to put him in his place. He wants to pulverize Creepy Guy. Only problem is he's halfway across the world most of the time. I did totally use him tonight as my excuse for being "preoccupied". "Oh you know, thinking about the future. My future husband. I'm going to Sweden in June to see him..."

Too bad all that got me was "Oh that's cool so anyway I'm around let's hang out at my place, come over Friday please?"

inb4: Swede raaaaaage! :p