Own Pictures Thread

Josh, you kinda look like..

The regular youth who listen to "everything in music", watches MTV and does all his homework while smoking weed on a regular basis.

Minus the MTV and the "everything in music" (Sure I listen to a lot of music, but there's some shit I won't even bother trying to listen to... like rap.) and the does "all" his homework, and yeah thats not far off the truth :lol:
no u




And snus is cool?

It's the gayest thing I've ever seen, "uuummm buuuu I'mma gonna stick some uuumm shit in ma lips and mmmmmeebbbbbbuuuuubbuuuummmmmmmmmmgoooodmmmbbb"
And snus is cool?

It's the gayest thing I've ever seen, "uuummm buuuu I'mma gonna stick some uuumm shit in ma lips and mmmmmeebbbbbbuuuuubbuuuummmmmmmmmmgoooodmmmbbb"

Snus isn't cool:lol:

It's fucking disgusting:lol: Girls hate it, unless they do it too ofc.

It's a substitute for my smoking, I was a smoker along time ago you know:mad:

Weed is a big money drain, and it is NOT COOL:mad: [/moralfag]

maybe you should let swabs have your avatar now.

That would be a good idea.
but they feel cool doing. low self esteem FTL.

Nah, that's just a common misconception that non-*insert anything here* users have. It's only true for the 14-15 year olds who have just discovered smoking/drugs/alcohol.... Although personally I'm a bit of a hypocrite as I think anyone who smokes cigarettes is a fucking idiot :lol: