Own Pictures Thread

Nothing wrong with Carlsberg. Heineken on sale, will have me asking the question...does the bar sell Grolsch?

Essentially, nothing is worst than Carling agreed? Apart from those who live in the country known as Finland, because they have some outstandingly shite beers up there. Kurhu and Koff. Two reasons why Finns shouldnt make booze.
The difference is big between the brands so don't generalise :p Germany still has superior beer...in every way! Koff really sucks though, Karhu is allright.
Yes I like football, but I'm not Barca-fan so it's not a nice scarf :D Just bought it when they played against AGF, but it was not the 'real' Barca.

Still nice even if you don't like them ;) Just tell me you don't like OMGwespendmorethananybodyeveniftheydon'tdeserveit Real Madrid and we're good :D

BTW, it's funny how everybody outside Spain has to write Barca instead of Barça as, if I'm not mistaken, you don't have ç :lol:

I was just over there for a few days visiting my brother, he's been living there this year. Barcelona was cool, the architecture is really nice, especially the Gaudi buildings. But other than that it's a standard European city. I also couldn't help but feel it was becoming a little too pretentious and fashion conscious, almost as if its trying to be Paris.

Depends on where you go, like in all that kind of huge towns, but indeed sometimes they go a bit over the top. Montjuic or Tibidabo mountain views are amazing though, or La Diagonal. Pedralbes is also pretty awesome too. And I quite like the surroundings of Camp Nou.
Nothing wrong with Carlsberg. Heineken on sale, will have me asking the question...does the bar sell Grolsch?

Essentially, nothing is worst than Carling agreed? Apart from those who live in the country known as Finland, because they have some outstandingly shite beers up there. Kurhu and Koff. Two reasons why Finns shouldnt make booze.

Funny thing because i'll go to finland in a while and i am really exited about those two, the taste. Thought of buying a 24 pack of one kind of those (if it taste good ofcourse) and 24 pack of.... heineken/norrlands guld/lapin kulta/carlsberg or something at the boat.
completely missing the point that stella tastes like ass.
I see more stella advertising than I do heineken. Did it never occur that maybe its popular because its nice? :kickass:

Well, I'm talking TV commercials, and film placement, ect. Not signs up in pubs, as those signs are usually just saying whats on sale.

Also, the best selling movie of all time was The Titanic. Did it never occur that maybe its popular because its nice? Probably not.

Drink what you want by all means. I just think there are WAY better beers out there if you are willing to pay that price. Here its going to cost me $15-18cnd just 6 bottles of that stuff, when I can get 2L of Żyweic for $10.

Żyweic Is fucking awesome for a good sit-down beer. I tried to chug the stuff pre-concert once since it was all I had...a bit to foamy :p.

Carling and Sleeman are cheap beers. Nice to get drunk off if you're low on money.

Points for Sleeman. Hamilton distributes Lucky Lager and Lakeport, the poorest shitbeer around, and its popular as fuck as this city is completely packed to the brim with poor, dirty reptilian people : /.
you're serious?:lol:
damn suddenly I feel so lucky cause I have to spend like 12 Euros to get 12 good beer and some cigarettes :p
Funny thing because i'll go to finland in a while and i am really exited about those two, the taste. Thought of buying a 24 pack of one kind of those (if it taste good ofcourse) and 24 pack of.... heineken/norrlands guld/lapin kulta/carlsberg or something at the boat.

Lapin Kulta taste nice and fresh when cold. If It's not cold it taste awful though!

@CliffBurton: Dude, you guys are getting robbed so badly :lol: Over here you get 24 cans for abou 18€...AND I THOUGHT WE GOT RIPPED OFF :lol: Oh and cigarettes are so muc cheaper aswell.

@Turbo: Sounds like something I could try :kickass:
Over here there is £1 a pint nights at most pubs.
So thats 6 x 5.68 = £6, €6.9

But ye generally in shops we get raped so hard when it comes to buying Booze. A bottle of Whiskey is like £18
@CliffBurton: Dude, you guys are getting robbed so badly :lol: Over here you get 24 cans for abou 18€...AND I THOUGHT WE GOT RIPPED OFF :lol: Oh and cigarettes are so muc cheaper aswell.

The idea is, the shit gets taxed, so those who are causing massive health problems to themselves can pay money into the health care system, that will no doubt be keeping them alive later on. And I can get beer at that price too, its just really shitty :p

Also knowing a bootlegger is nice, but depending on what he has it can usually be even more expensive, but option died, my bootlegger moved to Israel :(