Own Pictures Thread

^Well, I think the reason why people don't get married nowadays is that their parents are divorced anyway. Most people decide to give up on their relationship when it becomes hard instead of working on it, like people did before, when divorce was legal but not really acceptable, from a moral point of view. Nowadays, most people don't think of their life as ''I'll get married, stay with the same partner for all my life and raise kids''.

Nowadays when you meet somebody, you expect their parents to be divorced, not happily married for 25+ years. Most of the new people I meet are surprised when I tell them I only have one place to call home, and that my parents are still in love after so many years.

Maybe it's a coincidence, but my friends who most believe in marriage are friends whose parents are still together. I know I want to get married someday, and so does my bf, but then again, his parents are still together, too. When your parents gave you a certain example, you tend to follow it.

Also, people make kids for themselves now, they think of a kid as some kind of awesome pet or something. And they don't want to be bothered by the kids they make, so they make sure they are rich before having kids and that they can call the babysitter anytime, so their lifestyle remains unchanged.
Marriage is a piece of paper, most people today don't give a fuck enough to waste their money and time on something that doesn't mean shit anymore. Back in the day when you couldn't fuck or live together without being married then sure, there was incentive but nowadays you can move in with your lover and get this: LIVE THE EXACT SAME SHIT YOU WOULD IF YOU HAD THE PIECE OF PAPER!!!!

Also, Pope needz dat cash!
And just to shit on your point, my parents are married 25+ years and I'll never get married, nothing to do with them I just personally don't see the point. If others like it then all the pwoer to them but literally every person I know tells me not to get married. They look miserable enough that I will take their word for it.
uhmm anyways....

redemption for this thread is to be had.

This is my sexy choir outfit, woot woot



obligatory metulz pose


I have an uncle thats a minister on one side, and the other side all still go to church every sunday (older 30yo+ cousins too, wtf)...so my family is all up on the weddings. Massive parties with tons of drank.
Then again we also have the best living standards in the world, no lulzy crime rates saturated with murder and buttloads of metal/music regarded as superior to any other place(from what i understand, im not the one claiming this)


I wasn't criticizing it so much as just pointing that out for the sake of consideration as to why certain things (like the power of tradition) are the way they are. Even when families from those countries don't live there anymore.
^Well, I think the reason why people don't get married nowadays is that their parents are divorced anyway. Most people decide to give up on their relationship when it becomes hard instead of working on it, like people did before, when divorce was legal but not really acceptable, from a moral point of view. Nowadays, most people don't think of their life as ''I'll get married, stay with the same partner for all my life and raise kids''.

Nowadays when you meet somebody, you expect their parents to be divorced, not happily married for 25+ years. Most of the new people I meet are surprised when I tell them I only have one place to call home, and that my parents are still in love after so many years.

Maybe it's a coincidence, but my friends who most believe in marriage are friends whose parents are still together. I know I want to get married someday, and so does my bf, but then again, his parents are still together, too. When your parents gave you a certain example, you tend to follow it.

Also, people make kids for themselves now, they think of a kid as some kind of awesome pet or something. And they don't want to be bothered by the kids they make, so they make sure they are rich before having kids and that they can call the babysitter anytime, so their lifestyle remains unchanged.
My parents have been together 25 years also. But I'm not concerned with getting married or relationships, if they happen they happen, if they don't, they don't, but I don't have to have a girlfriend or a wife to have relations with women, that actually makes the numbers game easier.
My sister on the other hand has had a boyfriend for a couple years now and I think they're planning on getting married after college.
My parents have been together 25 years also. But I'm not concerned with getting married or relationships, if they happen they happen, if they don't, they don't, but I don't have to have a girlfriend or a wife to have relations with women, that actually makes the numbers game easier.
My sister on the other hand has had a boyfriend for a couple years now and I think they're planning on getting married after college.

I'm not saying people whose parents are married will wanna get married badly and seek people just to get married with them. I was saying that, if somebody's parents are happily married, chances are this person will believe in marriage and want to marry his/her long time partner. And that if something happens, they might try harder to save their relationship.