Brutal Hate
Cool picture, bro!
I didn't know you were so butthurt
sometimes your answers barely make sense
How's that?
Cool picture, bro!
sometimes your answers barely make sense
also, BH looks like 12
If you aren't capable of understanding BM, I can't help you.
Grim and brutal in bathroom. Taken with shitty cellphone camera.
Coming from this face:
What about...
Out of respect I even made the image quality shitty, so it's just as true as every black metal track ever created!
I understand. Basically it's an environment of hard work and dedication that goes into everyone's lifestyle, ie/ postives around positives.I'm not saying people whose parents are married will wanna get married badly and seek people just to get married with them. I was saying that, if somebody's parents are happily married, chances are this person will believe in marriage and want to marry his/her long time partner. And that if something happens, they might try harder to save their relationship.