Own Pictures Thread

Fuck off all of you. That's the tr00est sweater I've ever seen. It's so thick that even the boniest fingered nun could poke him and he wouldn't feel a thing!

I'm not saying people whose parents are married will wanna get married badly and seek people just to get married with them. I was saying that, if somebody's parents are happily married, chances are this person will believe in marriage and want to marry his/her long time partner. And that if something happens, they might try harder to save their relationship.
I understand. Basically it's an environment of hard work and dedication that goes into everyone's lifestyle, ie/ postives around positives.
Taken today at the park where my dad, my stepmom, and I took my dad's puppy to run around and get exercise.


Some other dogs showed up too, and I took pics of the more interesting ones. There was one guy who brought a Great Dane and an elkhound, both of which were about two and a half feet tall when standing up. Huge animals, really friendly. This is the elkhound on the right, my dad's puppy on the left.


There was also a really friendly Husky that was running all over the place. Huskies are my favorite kind of dog. I want a few like this one when I can get them.


Good day, all in all.




Navi was a joint effort with my friend, who also did the skull thing that ended up wierd. Cellphone camera, no light, so yeah.

Edit: lol the stencils came from Ensi's 4chan folder :p