Own Pictures Thread

lol ya caught me. The truth is I'm here to track down and rape a bunch of you strapping young metal heads. Now whos first...

Theres nothing wrong with having a dick or anything. Most people here have one. It was mostly a warning to the guy furiously jerking off to you, he had the right to know it was a trap.

Ha! look what I found :D
So what's the inside story now? She's a woman or a shemale but on that pic ain't no male I tell you.

And I haven't been jerking off much lately.. :oops:

And um.. fuck it I'll take my chances: let me be first! :lol:

In 2006 we had all kinds of hot girls here that were funny and we all were a big community and had a lot of fun. I wonder why that is the opposite of what this place is today...

less mouth, more tits

Since when did cobot get full of women folk

I'm 12 and what is this?

So what's the inside story now? She's a woman or a shemale but on that pic ain't no male I tell you.

And I haven't been jerking off much lately.. :oops:

And um.. fuck it I'll take my chances: let me be first! :lol:

The amount of cleavage is insufficient, you must contruct more.

Oh nevermind :rolleyes:

Sure is retard in here today

THIS. Aside from Ryan trolling.
Thank you!!! Foretunatly I don't scare nor anger easily so I've found this oddly entertaining, but seriously lets get a few things straight boys:
Yes I am female
Yes I have tits
Yes they're nice (no you can't see them)
and NO it isn't a big deal

Are we clear?