Own Pictures Thread

Well, it is not that they like being treated like shit. You just witness that as the love-struck fag who just came onto the scene who has a crush on a girl who is dating a guy (who is treating her like crap). In actuality they have probably been with that guy a while through a time period where he was not as big of an asshole and she developed strong feelings for him. Once a girl falls for a guy, he can pretty much do ANYTHING and she will still cling to him. That is the sad but true fact. They do not like the treatment, but just feel that it is too much work to go out and find a new guy when they can just work on this one and change him.

At least that is my own observations.
Not quite. Trouble with my boyfriend is not brought on by him so much as me. We have an extremely healthy relationship and hes wonderful but I can't help but question how much I want him as a person. Hes sweet, cute, and genuinely adores me but I feel like maybe theres someone out there who is more up to my speed. Anyways I'm not going to rant.
Yup, it's those rare "nice and sweet" qualities they cling to, even if they're a jackass 95% of the time its the 5 % they care about and they think they can change the rest of him. It happens everywhere, it's fucking disgusting and ive had some horrible experiences because of it, just witnessing this and being in stupid ass triangle weird things...bleghapweoifja, fuckin a'
Yup, it's those rare "nice and sweet" qualities they cling to, even if they're a jackass 95% of the time its the 5 % they care about and they think they can change the rest of him. It happens everywhere, it's fucking disgusting and ive had some horrible experiences because of it, just witnessing this and being in stupid ass triangle weird things...bleghapweoifja, fuckin a'

You're so wrong its unbelieveable. Zach (my boyfriend) is great. In fact the problem is he's too good! Hes at my every beck and call and I guess I just feel like I've lost the challenge and adventure. I love the chase and after 2 years of a steady honest and loving relationship I just wonder if this is it. If this is the BEST I can get.
Ah well then I was mistaken. I thought you were referring only to guys being assholes.

Mostly way to asshole.

Exactly! And this is why I don't wanna break it off unless someone comes along whos better. For now I'm happy and satisfied but all I'm saying is I doubt this will last
Sonia, EVERYONE after a year starts asking those questions. Instead of not saying anything and dumping him, why not tell him how you feel. If he can not man the fuck up and be more like the person you want him to be then maybe it is time to move on but at least give the guy a chance :lol: Sounds a bit like he is too scared to lose you or had a fucked up mother-son relationship if he is catering to you so much.

It is hard to find someone good who genuinely cares about you and while you might feel like you are ready to end it, once they are gone you miss them :loco:
Thanks for the advice. Gah I feel horrid about bringing this all to a fucking COB forum (I genuinely dont wanna be that person) but its nice to get out. I'll do my best to be more direct with him about it and I guess see where it takes me
Dont worry,this place is full of rappers anyway:cool:

I'm Undefined, an indefinite entity
fuck with me and you'll end up as an amputee
Yeah I'm not playing and if you seem to disagree
I'll rape your ass with the trunk of a redwood tree

I'll be laughing while you're screaming like a banshee

My name is Failure, im drunk as a sailor
kickin' it back in my neighbors trailer
Trollin's the game, i lose everyday
but still i try because im just so damn fly
don't fuck with me, i'll throw you in hell
and by the way


seriously this place used to have at least half girls, it was fucking awesome

... dude get out and find someone to love/fuck/date/drink something with.
Where s the awesomeness in having loads of girls in a board? If you're referring to the fact that you're 'talking' to omgirls I feel sorry for you.But if you're here because you don't know any other way to meet or find girls I'm outta here :D