Thank you for noticing.
Back in your old style, but the guy on the left doesnt seem to like you.

Back in your old style, but the guy on the left doesnt seem to like you.
Managing to look drunk whilst being completely sober at a partay. Seriously, that's the face I always pull when drunk, I have no idea how I managed to replicate it so well
I do not look like that retarded wedding guy or a super villian, your shop does not work in any context.
Ensi, I blur the faces of my friends so as to respect the fact that they might not want their photos posted on the internet. Don't be an absolute fuckwit you cunt.
Here's a picture from the dance I went to 2 weeks ago:
PS: I am NOT drunk...
sorry to interrupt the fight
I think you're all gaymn. The only way to get past this faggotry is with even more faggotry.
and before anyone comments on the black nails. It was a reunion rock night thing and we were supposed to dress like we did when we were 13. I didn't put panda eyes on though, didn't have the minerals.
Also that cider I was drinking was called Stalkers Gold. It was delicious
It wasn't meant to be funny, it was an actual statement I felt would be best represented through an image.
And what do you mean "why am I always the one who gets this shit?" You're being a dickhead for NO reason. I put a shop I thought you'd appreciate, and I don't know what the fuck Ensi did that further fueled your PMS but chill out man.
If you're stressed over school I understand? But don't take it out here.