Own Pictures Thread

Meh, it's not that great. I much prefer Oxford over any other city I've been to in the UK.

I always assumed you were originally from the UK. What country are you from, sir?

I want to go clubbing in Eastern Europe, Eurotrip style.


It probably wouldn't actually be that great for me, though. 'Cause no matter what, I'm not going to dance. And that's sort of the point of going to a club. XD
Clubbing in Eastern Europe sucks mostly, though. If you wanna go clubbing somewhere these days, go to Beijing.

^meehhh come on, its a matter of taste. I like going clubbing in Berlin, maybe you will think its shit. So what.

I love spain, my grand parents used to live there till my grandpa died and every time I visted them I had such a great time (I took care of their big house in fucking sunny spain along with some friends of mine every time they stayed in Germany.. Just awesome. :D)
^meehhh come on, its a matter of taste. I like going clubbing in Berlin, maybe you will think its shit. So what.

Guess if you put it that way. I'm still to meet someone who DIDN'T like night life in Beijing though. The entertainment/price ratio is just too appealing.
I always assumed you were originally from the UK. What country are you from, sir?

I think he is, but he was just saying that he's travelled around the UK a fair bit.

>cannot properly greentextimply



Guess if you put it that way. I'm still to meet someone who DIDN'T like night life in Beijing though. The entertainment/price ratio is just too appealing.

Why are you still pretending you live in China, I'm pretty sure you admitted to not living there a couple of weeks back.
Why are you still pretending you live in China, I'm pretty sure you admitted to not living there a couple of weeks back.

I don't know what you're talking about, boy. I'm not 13, I don't play pretend. I've lived in all sorts of places dude.
I always assumed you were originally from the UK. What country are you from, sir?


It probably wouldn't actually be that great for me, though. 'Cause no matter what, I'm not going to dance. And that's sort of the point of going to a club. XD

He's from Austria, he's just a terrible troll and thinks we'll believe he'd not white, fat, and has a rat nest growing out of his scalp.

Also go clubbing :p, and get on a dance floor. Its only shit if you are too uptight and nervous, thinking people are looking at you. They are, probably, but they're just as horrible at dancing as you, because we're all white, awkward fucks.

>Implying he goes to clubs or talks to girls

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
It's really impressive, walkthrough was a bit chaotic though - they renewed it recently and a few signs still missing, we managed to walk in circle for about a quarter of an hour :lol:

Language holidays, nice! Where are you going you stay, Weinheim again?

Yeah! Driving there too, so keep an eye open for UK plates and a giant metal camp sticker on the back window. Im sort of curious how long I can keep UK plates on in Germany before I have to re-register it with D plates.
Gais, what's wrong with my drive? I went over it with a huge ass magnet and now it won't work properly anymore. OH SHI-! Dad's coming home and he's going to kill me for using his PC!
Sorry for the gi-mongous size. I'm too lazy to resize it for you. Me and my girlfriend. I hadn't been home all weekend, so hence me looking like hell with my face-gina and what not =P
