Own Pictures Thread

Yeah haha...they're my bike leathers that were given to me for free by some knob down my street. I appreciate the gesture, but he thinks it's ok to spray WD40 on brakes..."to clean them"...:Smug:

Yeah, haven't you noticed that most people who ride bikes seem to be like that? Like there's some unwritten law that says that to ride sport bikes you have to be at least 80% doucher.

I could punch a hole straight through you. Eat some fucking meat

I'm even thinner than that guy, I think. Maybe not. It'd be close. But yeah, I can out eat most people. It's 'cause we don't have a stomach, just a pit. Although, I too, would like to find a girl who takes her shirt off at the beach. =\
I weigh about 57kg and I'm 1.71m, is this bad

Yes, you should go up to about 70-80kg.

when I ate every day.

Maybe its just me but here in Florida where I live long hair seems to be making a come back in general. same with beards.

I remember about 3 years ago everyone gave me shit for my beard and now all those same people have beards.

I haven't cut my hair in almost 4 years(besides trimming the tips), and my beard is now pushing 3 or so inches long.

Mitch...I loved the long hair, but the short cut does suit you well, plus it's gotta be a lot cooler under that bike helmet than long hair.
I don't really have a preference of long or short hair. I'll stick with short hair though and cut it when it gets to about the length it is now. Too much to keep up with really.
Enough with the hair already, we've had this discussion a million times before, we all know what everyone prefers on the forum now, and why they do, there's NO need to post it all over again. Because quite frankly, I don't think anyone honestly gives a fuck.
I'm 1.84 and weigh 66 does that mean I'm fat :( ??
I guess it aint that hard to tell if someone is overweight or not