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So Canadians call Indians, Asians?


We call them pakis most of the time, actually.
Sometimes we call Natives "indians", which can bring confusion.

Hence why we called the Natives "natives", and now "natives" is considered slanderous. I don't even know what to call them now, other than poor, hiyo.

one eats curry, the other eats rice. :lol:
I'd like for you to find out for yourself why this was a really fucking stupid thing to say :lol:
So Canadians call Indians, Asians?

It just sounds weird to me, one eats curry, the other eats rice. :lol:


They usually just get called Indians, or east Indians if we're trying not to be derogatory.

Like someone else, Paki seems to be a pretty general term that encompasses everyone from the middle east and India, whether it's correct or not.
east Indians if we're trying not to be derogatory.

Who refers to someone as "East Asian"?

East Indian/Asian is going a bit too far, I don't see how Paki is derogatory anyway, :lol:

Sri Lankans get lumped into 'Indians' as well down here, I don't think we have many Pakis here, are they the Indians that wear skull caps and baseball caps or is that Sikhs?

Paki seems to be a pretty general term that encompasses everyone from the middle east and India

The Middle East is a different kettle of camels.

We call them Lebs as most here came from Lebanon after the war and they are pure scum. They run a lot of the drug trade and are just violent arseholes in general wanting to pick a fight with every white guy but only if it's a gang against one, the scourge of our society.

Why did the Leb cross the road?

To bash the chicken.

Why did ten Lebs cross the road?

The chicken was winning.

Lately some are starting to call them Arabs or just Muslims as we're getting more non-Leb Arabs invading our shores.

I found this on the term Asian:

The use of the term varies by country and person, often referring to people from a particular region or subregion of Asia

In Anglo America (mostly the United States of America), the term refers most commonly to people of predominantly East Asian and Southeast Asian ancestry; however, in the United Kingdom, the term refers most commonly to South Asians.

In other countries (like countries of Continental Europe), the term is applied in a wider sense to all people from Asia or from a number of its regions.

In the United States, however, West Asian and Central Asian people are usually not considered "Asian."

Probably not referred to anything because if you talk to them they'll shoot you without a second thought claiming you were on rival gang turf.


Who the Indians?

They're probably the most timid of all, in Detroit an Indian taxi driver took me to a gig and was telling me how violent Detroit is. I mentioned this to the owner of the club, he said, "man, Indians are afraid of everything." :lol:

Edit: After looking up West and Central Asia, yeah you're probably right about the Arab contingent, they have gangs where you are?
