Own Pictures Thread




No. It means I think you're sexy. :Smug: *Shakes head*

I was trying to point out that the smile you were making in that pic seems really natural and friendly, alot of people have trouble doing that when taking photo's (especially their own).

staff christmas party: pwnt. teh fucken ugleh bastard on the right side of the 2nd pic is me btw.
You know what, I soooo didn't see that comin'! :rolleyes: What are the odds. ;) That's my work mate Damo. Like I said, STAFF christmas party. None of the hot employee chicks wanted to take pics with me anyway. :( That and the fact that is was my cam so I was taking most of the pics.
I think I have seen ya around a few times before somewhere, Lolita! Then again I also live in Espoo at the moment so that may be it :D

Thanks, perfectorr! I also have the classic 'passed out in on the rocks' in that one other thread, the what am i thinking pic or whatever. I gota get some more batteries for my camera this week and start taking some more, I am long overdue. :p
perfecterror said:
yeah, its a good thing to look like alexi, haha, he is a very good looking guy :) i don't think you were copying him or anything, because your features are very simmilar to his. have other people said you look like him before?

don't missunderstand me : ) it wasn't meant bad (right? no idea what word here to use^^) and and it was also no reproach.

err.. well..
yes there are some people who said this before.. but i don't really think so ,i can post pictures if you want me to do : )

ahh..if he's good looking and i look like him... a thanks very fuckin much^^

great pics man!
you were the guy from the interview?! wow^^ i read it before i registred here...
so .. i got a fucking silly quesiton.. but you got this army boots right? how many holes do they have? i mean the holes to but the tying lacings in..
(fuck how are they ´called?)