Own Pictures Thread

Fenrir13 said:
@ Lolita: Ahh, yes! I do remember ya now. I meet so many people every weekend, and since weekends tend to be blurry for me sometimes I need to double check :D
Heh I suppose you really do meet a lot of people in the bar and everywhere all the time.:D
I'm a member of Metal Club Mökä too (been about 5 years or so) and you've probably heard that your roommate will be the president for the year 2005.:p
So until we meet again, I really like the music you play at the bar!
bobvex said:
sorry...but no
I'm shattered *is shattered*

perfecterror said:
This is me (right) and my one of my best friends Linda about 7 months ago... when I had dark red hair.
That's not you. You're blond. And... well, that's not you. :err:

Northern Viking said:
Hahaha Thomas, you look wasted :D What happened?
Looks like he just bumped his head is all. :cry:
here it's easy to see that i'm not always lookin like him but i don't give a fuck ;)

soo yeah i was a little fucked up this day^^
and yes this poster.. it's a kc poster.. :loco:


maybe i should wear my hair(right to use here wear ,yeah?) in a diffrent way:D