Own Pictures Thread

@snowy: I'd say you look like a generic(bad word is it?) Metalhead... In the best possible meaning... I'd like Straight ass long hair but some are not blessed with it... Cool Sleeveless btw...
@snowy: yeah, you don't look as much like him in those pics, i think it was the lack of a beer in hand...haha. you have really nice hair too!

@spike: did you mean that the red hair "isn't me" as it doesn't match me well? if that were the case I would agree, i prefer my blond hair better, its more me.
bodomite said:
hangover NV hahahahhaa
hey check this one out...... talking on the fone like a gay little faggotor


hahaha! that is funny :tickled:
i can almost hear you now... "hi girlfriend, whats going on?... no waaaayyy, NO freakin WAY! OH MY GOD!...what... shutup...SHUT UP...hahahaha"
perfecterror said:
@spike: did you mean that the red hair "isn't me" as it doesn't match me well? if that were the case I would agree, i prefer my blond hair better, its more me.
No I'm saying that the black and white pic that makes your hair look black just ain't you at all! You're obviously substituted uour usual hot self for some other random hot chick, as you look nothing alike.
perfecterror said:
hahaha! that is funny :tickled:
i can almost hear you now... "hi girlfriend, whats going on?... no waaaayyy, NO freakin WAY! OH MY GOD!...what... shutup...SHUT UP...hahahaha"
:OMG: HOW DID YOU KNOW?!?!?! :lol:
well,thanks ^^ yeah i like this sleeveless too . My girlfiriend wrote ''Children of Bodom'' on it. so i love it^^ (the sleeves were also cut off)
so i guess i'm not lookin good anymore*g'

(bad joke^^ maybe no joke,who knows^^)
haha ^^ sorry but i need it for my ego ; )
another joke
but.. by the way thanks a lot , you look very good as well
perfecterror said:
haha, oh i see... yeah, i did look a "bit" different :tickled:
A BIT!? :guh: It's like Clarke Kent and Superman. Imagine if I could both of you in bed at the same time...*shudders at the thought* but that'll never happen. :( Where do you hide her anyway?