this past weekend when I was in tennessee I bought

wild boar jerky
alligator jerky
kangaroo jerky

I have yet to eat them, it's just too funny having them around.
so you people actually spend money to send "exotic" foods overseas? interesting.

good call on beef jerky, lizard. send him some Cornnuts next time. they rule
Cornnuts are supreme. any food that makes your breath stink rule. and they go perfect with a nice COLD brew.
Demilich said:
You'd really be surprised at the variety of products you'd miss if you came up here. New products seem to hit Canada generally a year or two later. I'm drawing a blank on examples, but I always love to check out the grocery stores down there for interesting novelties!
I swear that they stopped shipping Trix cereal to my province:yell: that stuff is good!

Maybe if I was old enough, I would send you Newfie Screech and a cod to kiss:loco:
Trylakos said:
I swear that they stopped shipping Trix cereal to my province:yell: that stuff is good!

Maybe if I was old enough, I would send you Newfie Screech and a cod to kiss:loco:

I'm SO holding you to that when you're old enough! When is that? 4 years or something?
Demilich said:
I'm SO holding you to that when you're old enough! When is that? 4 years or something?
Im 15 now.. but when I turn 18 I can just take a 20 minute drive into Quebec... assuming Quebec has NEWFIE screech:tickled: OR I could get an of age friend to send you it
MadeInNewJersey said:

I'm glad I'm not your toilet
....:erk: that makes me think of bad memories last night of what my friends did:lol:

basically, there was vomit on the walls (WTF??!) shit in the toilet from numerous people and no alcohol involved! OH and I saw my friend's fat mother's vagina!

however the tale of these events isn't as interesting as it may sound:erk: