Paintnalling in the woods is ultra fun!


Aug 30, 2001
I've camped at and posted pics at our campsite on the Sol Duc River before so I didn't take any there this time. However, we spent a day playing paintball a little ways down the road from where we park to hike into our camp site. So this field isn't too far away, maybe a mile total from our actual campsite.


Most of the crew at the end up of the walk through before we started.


This photo shows some of the bunkers we built the day before the game actually happened.



We played a total of 4 games. I played in the first three and only got hit once, right in the upper thigh... which, based on the rules we were using, didn't even count as a hit. A hit only counted if it was on the head or torso. Not even arms. So technically, I was never hit. I think I got 4 kills total in all 3 games. The 4th game, I put on a bright orange long sleeve shirt and took these photos from the field. It was really fun watching people strategies for hunting the others down.

In this one, you can see one team behind a bunker on the lower part of the field before the game starts. I'm standing on the ledge of a small hill that the lower team has to get up and infiltrate...

pball05.jpg the other team defends it.


Looking back down again.




This chick was playing for the first time ever and had the best gun on the course.


But she still got blasted (my favorite pic of the weekend) :)


And the ferry ride home was epic, as they usually are.


Long weekend, lots of camping. I even camped at my family's property alone the first night. Sat by a fire and drank whiskey and beer alone and was blown away by how freakin' quiet it is when there's no one else there with you. I dug it.

Good times :)
I'd love to play some Paintnalling.

Looks like fun, I haven't done that in years.