Paradise Lost not the best album


New Metal Member
Jul 18, 2008
I just want to comment on this. I think Paradise Lost has lost some quality in respect to the other Symphony X albums. To me it seems like rushed and non-polished, despite all the years they had to make it. I expected something better. There's not even a long song. I think the only songs that are really good and well-polished are Set the World on Fire and The Serpent's Kiss, and there's no coincidence that they've chosen them to make the videos.
However, I think Mike Romeo's s solos and Russell's vocals are more awesome than ever, as we are always used to.
What do you think?
I mean, Romeo's solos are as awesome as always, and Russ's vocals even more awesome than ever, even more agressive and more expressive.
I know many people disliked PL, but I really enjoy it. I can't say it has stuck with me as well as all of their earlier records, though. I even enjoy the Russel's vocals!

The one thing I miss is the heavy keyboard presence. I would have liked it a lot more if MP had more of an input - like on V.
I haven't really cared to listen to PL for a while. It's an ok album though and I wasn't disappointed. I should maybe give it a listen again and then tell what I think.
PL is obviously a masterpiece of Symphony X. I enjoy it. May be some ppl didnt like it coz I think it has got more technical sound and thats in a positive sense. So wont agree wid the topic
A lot of people think that Symphony X got heavier... they didn't. I think this is a return to what they are. Listen to Damnation Game and listen to PL and you will notice a lot of similarities. Its more guitar driven and more metalish. The middle albums are more proggy. So in essence, they didn't change at all but went back to their roots, though not as far back as their first album thankfully.
I love PL, and I think it's one of their best (along with Odyssey, V, Twilight, and Divine Wings). I like the heavier sound, and I'm glad Lepond's bass wasn't drowned out by the guitars (it kind of was on Odyssey). I agree that the keyboards could have been louder and had more presence, and that a long song to cap off the album would have been nice, but their previous album had a big epic. Chances are their next release will feature an epic...
I think its easily their most overall solid album yet. Also their most mature and almost zero cheese moments (which as much as I love SymX, I must admit they do have from time to time) compared to their earlier albums.
A lot of people think that Symphony X got heavier... they didn't. I think this is a return to what they are. Listen to Damnation Game and listen to PL and you will notice a lot of similarities. Its more guitar driven and more metalish. The middle albums are more proggy. So in essence, they didn't change at all but went back to their roots, though not as far back as their first album thankfully.

I somewhat agree with you.
IMO the main reason why a lot of people think Symphony X got heavier in PL is the production. The guitars' tone are WAY more aggressive/high-gainy/trebly/in your face...etc. Same goes for the bass. Listen to the beginning of Domination, I've never heard Lepond's tone being THIS overdriven and in your face. Vocals are more aggressive too (as has been discussed before).
They did go back to their roots with the heavier stuff and all, but I still believe that PL actually IS the heaviest and most riff-driven of their albums, that is in terms of the way the music itself was made (apart from the production) combined with the notable decrease of cheesiness that Yngvai X mentioned above.
I agree that the keyboards could have been louder and had more presence
The way I see it, Keyboards are usually atmospheric/ambient. They sit in the back of the mix (except for solos...etc), so the louder you make them (compared to other instruments) the less aggressive/in your face the song becomes, which obviously would be against the album's style/direction. So I think it was a conscious effort from them to have "less" keyboards (it's mostly there, just less loud/more "lost in the mix", so to speak. In 'Set the World on Fire' for instance, Pinella is playing his strings patch throughout the song, it's just too low, almost inaudible).

It proved to be great. Kick-ass album, no complaints. :headbang:
It certainly is not something I wish they stick with though. I personally would love to hear another V :p and yeah man, another big epic would be awesome too.
To me, Paradise Lost actually seems the most polished of all their albums, both production wise and song wise...I really love it, V is still my favourite album, and The Odyssey is still my favourite song, and I do prefer the epics, but I have no issue with it as a valuable contribution to their discography... And the instrument playing and soloing is excellent...
Paradise Lost is an awesome album all around. The production is the best of all their work (despite the keyboards not being high enough in the mix), the musicianship is a high as ever, Russell's vocals are beefed up like never before, and the songs themselves are fantastic. Overall, it's just a killer metal album.

Do I think it's their best ever? No. My favorite is still V. But I still listen to PL regularly and feel they succeeded creatively. For quality metal, you can't go wrong with this one.
Am I the only one who doesn't find the lack of an epic, 20-minute song depressing? There are only so many times you can write a brilliant musical piece that lasts that long. After awhile, it just becomes taxing. I think a long song on Paradise Lost would be out of place. And I hope the next album doesn't have one either. Let's see what Romeo can do in overall short-form songwriting, then let him write another epic.

The album as a whole? I'm just kinda sick of it. Now that it's been out for a little bit and I've seen two shows in one year where they played basically the whole album (TWICE), it's just overwhelming.

Not to say I don't love the album, cause I do. But I think if I let it sit on the shelf for a couple years, I will appreciate it a lot more.

The Odyssey, V, Paradise Lost, and Twilight are all tied in my opinion.
Personally, I love PL - it's what they hinted at and what I wanted at the time. I really enjoy the epicness of V too - my mood dictates what I listen to obviously and SX covers many bases for me. You can't please everyone all of the time, nor should you try.

DWoT has become pretty regular on my deck again recently too.... :kickass: