Parents are idiots


May 22, 2003
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ok, so me and my mom are in the car today, driving home from NY by some back route, and my moms driving is getting rather sickening... she kept on suddenly stopping, and i felt like i was going to throw up. so i said something and she got mad at me, saying i would understand when i could drive (looking back, its kind of ironic). maybe 5 minutes later, she stops so quickly and suddenly that i am launched forward and i almost hurt myself... so i'm like "Mom, what the fuck was that?" and she said "Don't 'mom what the fuck' me... the driver in front of us stopped suddenly", i told her that she does that so frequently that i thought she just wasn't paying attention. literally 30-45 seconds later we get in a car accident because my mom was looking down at something that she was reading. Fabulous. Morale of the story:

I was right, my mom is a fucktard.
My mother drives the same way, Wolftribe, she's a fucking moron. Her van has been repaired twice, and an old car tossed in my direction 4-5 times because of her stupid driving.

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