
Nov 23, 2002
Do either of your parents have a fondness for metal? My dad is hugely into metal, although it's mostly the classic stuff (Sabbath, Priest, AC/DC) he's getting into modern stuff now. Also, my mum likes Metallica.....
I have quite the opposite problem.My dad thinks these bands will all have a negative effect on me.I mean,he doesn't fear for me or anything but its a fairly typical "Are they all into killing goats?" situation.
A fewweeks
A few weeks ago he saw an old copy of Metal Maniacs lying around.In Flames were on the cover."Look at this" he said,"Why do they have such depressing names?...Cattle Decapitation.Lovely"
Anyway,I had a beautiful moment last week when he walked into my room to ask what the "Nice music " I was listening to was.
Whoracle by In Flames.
The look on his face.Priceless.
Mom introduced me to Supertramp, Zeppelin, Bowie, Pink Floyd, etc. at an early age and I introduced her to Alice in Chains, NIN, Tool, etc. in the early 90s. She's not too fond of death and black metal, but she respects the quality musicianship of it. She usually thinks that "all that screaming is pretty ridiculous," but she does like Opeth and Hypocrisy. :D
My dad is a Xtian. Oh, did he enjoy walking into my room when I was listening to Regurgitation's 'Menstrual Cykill.' Well, fuck him, though, because he had a similar reaction when I was listening to Tori Amos' 'Mr. Zebra.' :rolleyes:

He's a disco/country/adult contemporary fan.
My parents don't approve of metal, never have. However, they feel it is better to let me 'express myself' then to try and resist, which might cause me to 'rebel against them'. Hahaha... what do they read in those parenting magazines these days.
My dad is into a lot of 60's and 70's music.
My mom used to be into a lot of Sabbath in the day but she doesn't listen to it much anymore.
I let my mom listen to a lot of the music I like. Usually she has 2 responses. "That is stupid" or "I like it"
My dad does'nt really listen to music.He thinks bands like Black Sabbath sound ok but thinks aggressive stuff is crap.My stepmother freaked out when she read the song titles from Coroner's R.I.P.
My mom loves The Beatles, The Stones, Zepplin and a lot of others. Shes always liked rock and sometimes when we were in the car going somewhere I could get her to listen to Opeth and she wouldnt mind too much :p Now my dad, he listens to a lot of different stuff. My music he just looks at me funny but he loves to read the lyrics and would talk to me about them. Im so damn thankful my parents never tried to stop me from listening to stuff I like because Ive had a lot of friends where their parents "hoped" their kids would grown outta metal.
Originally posted by Silver Raven
Im so damn thankful my parents never tried to stop me from listening to stuff I like because Ive had a lot of friends where their parents "hoped" their kids would grown outta metal.
Yeah no shit. I remember once when I was 15 my mom took me to Mad Platter to pick up the new White Zombie and she saw the pentagrams on the cover and asked "you don't take that Satanic stuff seriously, do you?" I think my reaction was typical metalhead teenager "gawd mom, leave me alone!" That was the only time she ever expressed concern over my music of choice.
my father once had a flying pickets album which he burnt once he realised their were communists thats as radical as he got

my mother flipped out when i bought Puritincal Eurphoric misanthropia by Dimmu Borgir home and tells me that all my music (from REM to Carcass) is unadualtred horrible noise
but she liked cat stevens what does she know