Paris shooting

You must have misunderstood. I wasn't defending the regressive bullshit some Muslims believe; I was pointing out how its misguided to say they are the only religion that breeds this kind of violence.

Maybe not, but they certainly out do anyone else. Remember the last time someone yelled "praise God" in English before blowing themselves up?

Niether do I.
Fuck religions, I make no apology for it either. Damn everyone of them. I feel like the world is an insane asylum and I got put in here by mistake. You have these blatant obvious lies in books and for some reason, beyond my understanding, people believe it for no rational reason whatsoever. Fucking crazy, that's what it is.
Fuck religions, I make no apology for it either. Damn everyone of them. I feel like the world is an insane asylum and I got put in here by mistake. You have these blatant obvious lies in books and for some reason, beyond my understanding, people believe it for no rational reason whatsoever. Fucking crazy, that's what it is.
I'm with you. Almost makes me afraid to cross a road. If he can believe in all that magical fairy bullshit, how can I know he's not going to run me over intentionally because it dawned upon him that if he did that a unicorn will pop into existence and take him to the land of giant dildoes... or whatever sick shit he's into.
One of them shouted "the prophet is avenged" while it was taking place, according to witnesses/what I've heard on NPR.

I am personally almost sure they are. However it is common practice to give police wrong information by saying fake things. It's typical for criminals to leave fake proofs here and there, that's the police job to make the truth out of it. That is why I agree no one should jump to conclusions before official statement is made. The fact the original feeling ends up being correct or not being irrelevant
You have these blatant obvious lies in books and for some reason, beyond my understanding, people believe it for no rational reason whatsoever. Fucking crazy, that's what it is.

There are many lies in religious books but not everything in religious books is a lie. While most of the texts are well intended a few rotten apples abuse them and make folks like you hate religion.

Same is true of government.
Speculation plays a huge role on crime investigation. It is naive to ignore what kind of people are most likely to do this. Why are you quoting brainwashed muslim fundamentalist? Are you implying that those who do these murders aren't brainwashed?

I'm not defending these pieces of shit by any means. It's an immense schok in France believe me. I was only pointing on the fact that this tragic event occured less than 2 days ago. I agree about speculation, I'm not ignoring that some scenarios are more solid than some others but we don't know much so far.
There are many lies in religious books but not everything in religious books is a lie. While most of the texts are well intended a few rotten apples abuse them and make folks like you hate religion.

Same is true of government.

A pathological liar will also say things that are not lies, that doesn't stop him from being a bullshiter.
The radicals aren't a product of their religion, they're a product of their whole environment. You could say in that sense that the world would be better off without religion, free market capitalism, nation states... which may or may not be true, but is definitely too much of a black and white generalization. My point is that the acts committed by radical groups all around the world go down to much deeper than the religion itself. If they weren't doing it in the name of Islam, it would be in the name of another religion or political group.

The way to fight religion is not through hate or division (eg fuck those Muslims, Christians, etc), but through education, and with morality taking its right place in replacing religion. Replacing mindless indoctrination with critical thought, common sense and literacy. There is really nothing good about religion, it shouldn't get a free pass, ever. The only positive side of religion is really the hijacking it does of morality. So, it's not that religion is good, it's the morality that makes it through in it, which religions then conveniently stir up and mix along with indoctrination, lies, contradictions, misconceptions, intolerance, fanaticism, confusion, etc to feed their enterprise of lies, and cash in on people's fear of death.

A lot of people (religious or not) tend to be caring and try to help others in many ways not because of religion, but because of a moral calling, which is part of basic human nature. That moral sense is what should be exalted, cultivated and taught, instead of religion. As religion gets replaced with a common sense of morality and civility the world could become a much less fucked up place.

One thing that gets rarely mentioned is what circumstances aid in prompting the flourish of religious radicalism. Governments in the west have some measure of blame in it, by doing things like imposing economic sanctions, or declaring proxy wars in middle east countries. That helps in creating the conditions for radicals to take the center stage and a bigger role over at those places. If the powers that be would really want to fight off/suffocate religious radicalism they'd do so by opening up commerce, lifting absurd sanctions, bringing education and western values (back) over to those regions and also helping out to give people opportunities. It would be a long and difficult road ahead, but one good thing about the west is that it's constantly though slowly moving away from the tare of religion.
That's how you fight religion.

Unfortunately war is a business and making us hate muslims, and them us, is good business practice for some powerful folks. Just as it did in past centuries to divide people in between 'followers of god' and 'heretics'.
Not saying that those radical religious jerks who kill innocent victims in terrorist attacks aren't totally to blame for their depraved actions, of course, but people in high places who benefit from warmongering share the blame in aiding the conditions for it.