Paris shooting

Such marriages between an older man and a young girl were customary among the Bedouins; The same can be said about Mary and Joseph. What do you expect to gain solving this puzzle anyway?

The way to fight religion is not through hate or division (eg fuck those Muslims, Christians, etc), but through education, and with morality taking its right place in replacing religion. Replacing mindless indoctrination with critical thought, common sense and literacy. There is really nothing good about religion, it shouldn't get a free pass, ever. The only positive side of religion is really the hijacking it does of morality. So, it's not that religion is good, it's the morality that makes it through in it, which religions then conveniently stir up and mix along with indoctrination, lies, contradictions, misconceptions, intolerance, fanaticism, confusion, etc to feed their enterprise of lies, and cash in on people's fear of death.

A lot of people (religious or not) tend to be caring and try to help others in many ways not because of religion, but because of a moral calling, which is part of basic human nature. That moral sense is what should be exalted, cultivated and taught, instead of religion. As religion gets replaced with a common sense of morality and civility the world could become a much less fucked up place.

One thing that gets rarely mentioned is what circumstances aid in prompting the flourish of religious radicalism. Governments in the west have some measure of blame in it, by doing things like imposing economic sanctions, or declaring proxy wars in middle east countries. That helps in creating the conditions for radicals to take the center stage and a bigger role over at those places. If the powers that be would really want to fight off/suffocate religious radicalism they'd do so by opening up commerce, lifting absurd sanctions, bringing education and western values (back) over to those regions and also helping out to give people opportunities. It would be a long and difficult road ahead, but one good thing about the west is that it's constantly though slowly moving away from the tare of religion.
That's how you fight religion.

Unfortunately war is a business and making us hate muslims, and them us, is good business practice for some powerful folks. Just as it did in past centuries to divide people in between 'followers of god' and 'heretics'.
Not saying that those radical religious jerks who kill innocent victims in terrorist attacks aren't totally to blame for their depraved actions, of course, but people in high places who benefit from warmongering share the blame in aiding the conditions for it.

I'm not sure if I'm following you here, you are proposing to bring western values to "those regions"?
@JeffTD: Are you defending Mary and Joseph? You trying to say they didn't fuck?

Also, what proof do you over-opinionated american have that Muhammad did indeed have sexual relations with Aisha when she was a minor?
@JeffTD: Are you defending Mary and Joseph? You trying to say they didn't fuck?

Yes, I could say, in fact, "Mary and Joseph" did not fuck. They never existed. Mohammad did.

Why do you keep trying to draw parallels between the two religions anyways? Very few of us here are Christians, at least the people who speak up on the subject. So just stop.
Yes, I could say, in fact, "Mary and Joseph" did not fuck. They never existed. Mohammad did.

Why do you keep trying to draw parallels between the two religions anyways? Very few of us here are Christians, at least the people who speak up on the subject. So just stop.

You can neither prove the non-existence of Mary and Joseph nor the existence of Muhammad. If you could have, I'm sure you'd have different life.

As to why I'm drawing, or trying to draw parallels, #FreedomOfSpeech baby :Smokedev:
Of course I can't prove a negative. Let's just say there is some evidence for Muhammad outside of the Quran. There is zero evidence for Mary and Joseph outside the Bible which frankly is not evidence of shit.
You can neither prove the non-existence of Mary and Joseph nor the existence of Muhammad. If you could have, I'm sure you'd have different life.

As to why I'm drawing, or trying to draw parallels, #FreedomOfSpeech baby :Smokedev:

The bare principle of "truth" is to be proven something BEFORE we accept it as the current truth. That is what science is doing from the beginning and that is why people oppose it to religion where things are given as truth without a single word about why they are right and the others aren't, despite all evidence sometimes.

"You cannot not prove X is true" is an open door to accept anything without any filtering. Following this logic, I can't prove there is no God looking like a 7 eyed Mars attack alien.

You cannot prove my Spaghetti God does not exist. Therefore, it has just as much reality as Mary, Joseph, Sheeva, God, Mohammet, you name it.

Read this :'s_teapot
We should compare all major religions as they share the same source material. Even Hindu has a noah's ark story only it concerns a guy named Manu. By comparing them and thinking logically about how life was back then I see them as borrowed ideas used to attract as many followers as possible. Life was bad back then and education was unheard of. Perhaps there was a time when the religions served a purpose and the scriptures were societal education, love thy neighbor and don't fuck animals etc. And yes people did fuck animals on a regular enough basis for a name to be given to the act.

Draw parralels and you will find adoption of as many concepts as possible to draw in as many followers as possible. Jesus wasn't the first virgin birth and he wasn't born on the Pagan winter solstice but it sure made him popular. Every religion is BS and they have acted similar to canvassing politicians since day one. You need to compare them all to see they are all the same.

But the most telling of all is that they change. How can god who is infinte love and knowledge change? God keeps changing to meet modern society and the all knowing one cannot change. He is absolute, he's says so himself.
I'm not sure if I'm following you here, you are proposing to bring western values to "those regions"?

The positive side of western societies, which imo is a progressively more secular society.

The irony is, back in the 70s, countries like Iran were actually well on their way to becoming 'westernized' and more secular, with a nice standard of living. But then the Shah fucked things up and helped religious conservatives prop up the Islamic Revolution, reverting those countries back towards religion, and all the crap that comes along with it.

One could argue that an Islamic state like the one in Iran is still quite functional despite all the sanctions for not trading their oil in dollars. Or that they're merely protecting themselves against all the shit western militarism tries to pull ever since Iraq.

The problem is that 'westernizing' the Middle East nowadays seems to be bombing the shit out of them while trying to steal their resources (oil in Iran, Iraq, Libya, lithium in Afghanistan, etc), and promoting hatred and radicalism against the west; keep the wheels of war well greased and going.

