Parts in songs that send shivers down your spine.

The part in Travel in Stygian when Greely holds that epic long note at the end of the first chorus.

That part is just awesome.

Hell the whole song.

Probably my favorite Iced Earth song.
The part in Valhalla live when the whole fucking crowd sings the chorus after the song is done.

Also same with the chorus in the studio version. Hell the whole fucking song.

Also The Bard's Song live, when the crowd sings the whole song.
Words can't even describe how great of a moment that is.

They really need to do a US tour.

one of the best concerts ive ever been too was a BG one, singing that song live is fucking awesome.
Will we ever meet again...?

(Twilight by Edge of Sanity in case it wasn't obvious)

At the same time I found it hilarious.


But I find the entire spoken word section that comes right before the "NOOOOO" to be even more eerie, almost dreamlike. Especially if you gaze into to the cover of the album while listening! Amazing how such a simple passage of music can evoke such feelings!

Can anyone recommend any other songs/bands that have these kind of dreamlike/eerie sections of music..(i suppose it would be considered dark ambient instead of metal)
Oh and to contribute another spine-shivering moment,

Dehumanization by Meshuggah

right after the 2:00 minute mark, he goes

"One syllable,
One vowel..."
(short pause)...
( Enter a lungbreaking 20 second scream
combined with a deep and relentless bonechurning guitar riff)
In Sonne by Rammstein, the chorus and where it has the countdown in German and when the operatic girl in the background is singing...Always sends shivers down my spine. I love that song!
Reviving this old thread cuz I like the topic!

Anyway Bathory - Shores In Flames from around 2:30 - 4:00 always sends a shiver down my spine
Primordial - The Coffin Ships

the "It feels like I've been here before
Here where the animals lay down to die
So we stood alone on a distant store
Our broken spirits in rags and tatters" part
Black Sabbath - Into the Void (intro riff)
Agent Steel - Agents of Steel (the refrain)
Helstar - Abandon Ship (intro)
Iron Butterfly - In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida (the whole fuckin' song)
the clean vocals in Agalloch's "Not Unlike the Waves," "Fire Above, Ice Below," the climax in "The Hawthorne Passage." Fuck, basically all Agalloch has the potential to give me chills.

The resurrection part in Bathory's "Death and Resurrection of a Northen Son"

Kiuas's "After the Storm" when Ilja's sister just fucking WAILS, holy shit it never fails to give me chills. A lot of Kiuas like the Finnish chant in "Across the Snows," the climax in "...And the North Star cried."

The "Champion of Ithaca" part of Symphony X's "The Odyssey," and the end of "Candlelight Fantasia."

Clean vocal parts in Windir's "Heidra," "fagning," and "journey to the end."

clean vocal parts in Wintersun's "Starchild" and "Sadness and Hate," and the key change(s) in "Death and the Healing."

I think this song can make one shiver down the spine. Funeral Doom Metal has alot of evil moments.

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Watchtower's Asylum, from beginning to the chorus is one long spine shivering, the vibrations of which are strong enough to stimulate phallic resonance. Especially the chorus; it's so crazy in that technical high-pitched you-can't-sing-along-with-this-cuz-we're-Watchtower way, but it grabs me every time.
Limbonic Art's "When Mind and Flesh Departs" when Daemon sings:

I have seen in my darkest dream
Through the astral gate in a vortex fate
Death coldening the warrior`s fire

Fucking epic.