Peavey Bandit 112... opinions?

Hmm, I think that closed back may cause some low-end muddiness, and it's low frequencies are already pretty loose so... don't think it's a good idea :) As for the sound, well tbh I haven't played much amps in my short, miserable life but IMO it's definitely the best solid state around for modern metal tone. Sounds tight and a bit compressed, little fizzy. Great, sharp mid-range. In about a month I'm taking it back home from the rehearsal room, I'll make some clips if you'll be still interested.
Thanks a lot, man... I'm wondering how they stack up against a Randall. Like I was telling Metal Overload, I really like those Randalls, but the Randalls don't really seem to like my particular guitar, so I wanted something a bit tighter and brighter... plus the Randall G3s are a bit more expensive.

And yeah, if you could post a clip, that'd be kickass.

BTW, I just noticed the newer ones don't have a presence control. I think that's kinda bad... no?
I played a Randall RG75 G2 i believe, but only for a few minutes at the store so I'm not able to make a judgement about him, and I thought it sounded good but more muffled and scooped than Bandit.

And the presence knob makes a difference while turning so maybe you should look after older series secondhand?
Thanks a lot... yeah, I'll look for the one with the presence knob if I end up getting it. It's not uncommon for store to have those old-stock ones here...