Peavey Windsors are.....

Wish i could budget for one like...
Maybe if i get some birthday and xmas money = |

I just got some birthday money and went on musiciansfriend to buy one, and they were gone. When I checked just 2 days ago they were still available. I had my mind so set on getting one that I just bought a used one for $280. Fuck.

On a side note, has anyone tried to get a punk rock tone out of one of these? I'm recording a punk band soon, and I'm thinking it may be a nice way to break it in.
I am debating with myself right now (often the best way to get a good answer) if I should order one from the moment I am borrowing an amp and I definatelly need to get my own. I like the sound clips I have heard from the amp and I think it would fit my style of playing as well.
My only concern right now is that it is only one channel, on the other hand probable 90% of my playing is with distorsion, so maybe it is not a big issue.
I am debating with myself right now (often the best way to get a good answer) if I should order one from the moment I am borrowing an amp and I definatelly need to get my own. I like the sound clips I have heard from the amp and I think it would fit my style of playing as well.
My only concern right now is that it is only one channel, on the other hand probable 90% of my playing is with distorsion, so maybe it is not a big issue.

Buy 2, then you have a 2 channel setup. It's only 400 euro......:kickass:
ok so regarding cabs, seeing as i'm not a live guitarist myself and would not need one outside of the studio environment, is it ok to get a 2X12 cab?? or should i really be looking at a 4X12??
You can get a clean sound out of them if you put the master wayyy up and keep the gain super low, using the low gain input. It's a warm marshall type clean though, not super sparkly clean like a fender, and It'll start to crunch up if you pick hard.