pent on alexi

all iw ant to know is does alexi use alot of pentatonics in his solos if so does he do them in weird shapes?
meeeeks said:
i hear alexi uses pentatonics in a weird way can soemone explain this?
Pentatonic is a 5 note scale. I'm sure if you know who Jimi Hendix is you'll have heard that scale lol.

If you hear someone trying to play bluesy they'll be using that 99% of the time.
Same here. I need to go join/start a band but I don't have the motivation to go out but I really should. I have musician friends already but they wouldn't be able to play the stuff I write.
I wanted to get a power metal band together, but I want to improve my vocals and get a little better on the bass (though bass isn't all that important in most power metal) and take some time to recruit genuinely good instrumentalists. Though, in a school of about 450 and full of ditzy conservative Christian posers, pickings are slim. There's about two people besides myself who are even vaguely interested in playing in a metal band.