"People who hate God, love Death"

actually, I am, despite having no particular reason for being so, amazingly picky. if I wasn't married I'd be spending alot of time investing money in petroleum product.

but since we know nothing about this girl other than she has a lip ring and likes Jack, what makes anyone think she's skanky? I kinda like chicks with a streak of wild.

I've seen worse :loco:
lizard said:
just imagine, a Daniels-ey breath whispering sweet portuguese nothings in your ear *sigh*

must say that I consider myself lucky with being with a Brazilian girl once for 2 weeks ... about 5-6 years ago.
wildest woman i've ever slept with :Spin:
Are fake or dual accounts not allowed then? I guess I can understand fake accounts not being allowed if you've already been banned, but how does one decide which account is fake? What if two accounts from the same user has similar # of posts?
well, offensive is relative, is it not? is it any less objectionable to allow people to post pornographic photos, for instance? And we've had lots of posting about things people find extremely distasteful, such as national socialism. Again, all of this is relative; one man's objectionable is another man's wet dream.

well I don't think I've ever used a fake acct to flame someone, for instance, at least, not for a good long while....I've only used them for mischief and personal amusement. so if fake accts are not allowed, am I being singled out? cause I know there's a shitload of them out there. I can understand if the issue is that accounts take up a huge amount of server space.
i know it's the Black Eyed Peas ...
but isn't the "retarted" remix a spoof? or is it done by the band also
Nope, that's actually the original song. The censored version, Let's Get it Started, is what is played on the radio and I assume clubs and MTV. Fucking sell out queers.