People who have moved to a different country...

You could be a leprechaun that hands out maxi pad samples to customers at the store. Cuz ya know, you're short, and a maxi paxi.

..Yeah that's stupid. Then I played it out in my head and lawled.
You've had to wear this though:

Ahh, I wanna leave my country, too! I'm from Germany. Right now I'm spending some time in the US for cultural exchange and travelling.. but I want to live in Sweden or England for good one day. I recommend living abroad for a longer period of time before deciding to leave.

As much as I L-O-V-E Seattle (and San Francisco, and Canada), I think I figured I wouldn't want to live so far away from home for good. And in Europe you can get to other countries so quickly, it's like visiting another state in the US. Coming home for a long weekend wouldn't be big deal.. whereas here.. gotta plan months ahead to see friends and family...
I really recommend it, my good man. If you have that vague feeling of being a little unhappy where you are then move, it's always worth it, just to see if nothing else.

Since schengen, it's a bit hard for Americans to stay here unless they have someone to sponsor a visa, get married or keep leaving the schengen area every six months (pretty big jaunt). That said, it's totally possible. You just need some cash behind you, or a job set up in advance.

Unless you have some trust fund you plan on draining dry, I wouldn't recommend London, it's ridiculously expensive. If it's the U.K you're after, Edinburgh is a beautiful city and Dublin is insanely fun. Both are pretty ace.

A non-English speaking country is also easy enough to live in. Even the most average city has a collection of ex-pats who can probably help, plus if you can have a job available, it's likely you'll have support until you learn some of the lingo or get a native girlfriend (the recommended choice!).

Totally, totally worth it. I'm way happier here than I was at home.
Max, you should also check out Poland. It's quickly becoming the business epicenter of Europe and is extremely modern in places like Wroclaw, Warsaw, Poznan, etc. Many companies have people working in Poland. Think of it as Dubai for Europe.

Plus, just about every single girl looks like a supermodel and they actually like of the last bastions left.
Yeah, Poland is culturally rich as hell. The language is a pain in the arse, but Chris pretty much nailed it with the chicks. ;)
here's a random american guy who is so thrilled by belgrade that he made an entire site dedicated to it, where lots of other foriegners who visit or live here write stories and share experiences as well.

I SOOO wanna go visit Serbia!! (and the rest of Former Yugoslavia for that matter, especially Croatia)

I think I told you that one of my best friends here, John, married a serbian girl last year right?
I met her entire family and friends who all came to the US for the wedding- GREAT PEOPLE!!

My only concern is... what's up with the out-dated fashion sense that all ladies from that part of the world seem to have in common?
Bad 80's drapes they call dresses, and just very 'old' looking....
No fashion stores in Belgrad or are they all so expensive?
I SOOO wanna go visit Serbia!! (and the rest of Former Yugoslavia for that matter, especially Croatia)

I think I told you that one of my best friends here, John, married a serbian girl last year right?
I met her entire family and friends who all came to the US for the wedding- GREAT PEOPLE!!

My only concern is... what's up with the out-dated fashion sense that all ladies from that part of the world seem to have in common?
Bad 80's drapes they call dresses, and just very 'old' looking....
No fashion stores in Belgrad or are they all so expensive?

shadow of the communism. :)
Max, you should also check out Poland. It's quickly becoming the business epicenter of Europe and is extremely modern in places like Wroclaw, Warsaw, Poznan, etc. Many companies have people working in Poland. Think of it as Dubai for Europe.

Plus, just about every single girl looks like a supermodel and they actually like of the last bastions left.

Well how 'bout that? I'm 50% Polish, as my mother is from that country, born and raised. All my family is over there (don't give a shit about that though), but I have NEVER visted. I think I might have to get a plane ticket over there (never even flown on an airplane!) and experience the great things I have heard. The super-catholic/conservative atmosphere might be a negative, but I guess it is give-and-take. Hot Polish girls, traditional towns, and perogies?! Sounds like win.

Can someone explain why they like Americans? Seems bizare :lol:
I SOOO wanna go visit Serbia!! (and the rest of Former Yugoslavia for that matter, especially Croatia)

I think I told you that one of my best friends here, John, married a serbian girl last year right?
I met her entire family and friends who all came to the US for the wedding- GREAT PEOPLE!!

My only concern is... what's up with the out-dated fashion sense that all ladies from that part of the world seem to have in common?
Bad 80's drapes they call dresses, and just very 'old' looking....
No fashion stores in Belgrade or are they all so expensive?

The Croatian coast is the best place ever to go if you want beautiful, clean seas for swimming.

Perhaps the chicks you met had some mutual fashion sense, or maybe they are not city folk? Most immigrants I knew in America were from Bosnia or really small towns, villages.

belgrade is pretty fashionable, there's just about every group represented, the sluts, the goths, the hipsters, they are all here. All the designer stores and fashion chain stores are here, you'd probably think differently if you took a visit to the city.

The biggest complaint is that many lack personal style, all the girls dress the same.

The sluts all shop at the same places and all rock those bruce dickinson bangs currently. The hipsters all wear the same retro 80s electro gear and usually have those look i'm artistic asymmetrical haircuts, etc.