Perfect Metal Guitar


New Metal Member
Nov 21, 2003
I am gonna get a new axe i just dont know what kinda, or whats the perfect metal guitar? It will be used for death metal, black metal, and thrash metal...please no idenaz..:)
Shit, it doesn't matter, theres no such thing as the "perfect Metal guitar" or anything like that. You could play this guitar

and still be "Metal" it all depends on what your looking for. if you want YOUR PERFECT GUITAR, build a custom.
exactly, you have to try different guitars out and decide for yourself. I would recommend trying the RG series by Ibanez, the custom-shop only BC Riches (anything lower isn't made well), Brian Moore IGuitars (Killswitch Engage uses them), ESP or LTD's above the $500 level to get good quality, Jacksons (most anything by them) and of course several Gibsons or Epiphones (Explorers, Les Pauls, possibly but probably not the SGs). If you fail to find a guitar that sounds good, don't worry, you can replace the pickups n stuff.

And don't knock Ibanez, dude. They really give you the bang for the buck. I've had several people rave about them saying that even the $300 Ibanezes beat out their $900 Gibson on sound. If you don't personally like Ibanez, cool, but I'm telling you statistically they are some of the best. don't believe me, listen to Steve Vai. He's a loyal and faithful Ibanez user and has been for his whole life. Even before he had his custom Ibanez JEM, he used their non-custom guitars. Steve's always gotten killer tone from them.
you should find the guitar you like the best and play that.

Everyone has their own tastes in feel, how it plays, etc.

Ex-I LOVE Jackson/Charvel-I have two(USA Kelly, Charvel 550XL from about 1989)-they play and feel better to me than the 79 Les Paul Custom OR the PRS I had for awhile.
I think ESP/LTD feel like baseball bats..but other like it.

Remember-the guitar is only part of the sound. How you play, pickups, and and the amp are very important also.

If you want to get a Fender Strat and play death metal on so!
Just saw your sig bob, that guitar looks bad FUCKING ASS!!!! Alexi is going to steal it from you in a few days lol!! See ya there!

PS What time you going to be waiting in line there??
Japanese guitar companies such as ESP and Ibanez never offer their full line of products to the US. Goto (the japanese site), and you will see that the US models only account for about 10% of their full production line (Who knew that ESP used to make replicas of gibson flying Vs and Roland GK equipped synth guitars?)

I am personally biased towards BC Rich and PRS, but go to a guitarshop and try out as many guitars as you can. You'll find a guitar just for you sooner or later.

Bobvex, I love the paintjob you did on your RX10D.
NocturnalSun said:
exactly, you have to try different guitars out and decide for yourself. I would recommend trying the RG series by Ibanez, the custom-shop only BC Riches (anything lower isn't made well), Brian Moore IGuitars (Killswitch Engage uses them), ESP or LTD's above the $500 level to get good quality, Jacksons (most anything by them) and of course several Gibsons or Epiphones (Explorers, Les Pauls, possibly but probably not the SGs). If you fail to find a guitar that sounds good, don't worry, you can replace the pickups n stuff.

And don't knock Ibanez, dude. They really give you the bang for the buck. I've had several people rave about them saying that even the $300 Ibanezes beat out their $900 Gibson on sound. If you don't personally like Ibanez, cool, but I'm telling you statistically they are some of the best. don't believe me, listen to Steve Vai. He's a loyal and faithful Ibanez user and has been for his whole life. Even before he had his custom Ibanez JEM, he used their non-custom guitars. Steve's always gotten killer tone from them.
Killswitch are endorsed by Caparison guitars.
Abbath from Immortal uses an Ibanez V also. I wondered wherew he got it.

Personally I dont care for Schecters. The C series is good for the money but other than that I dont like em at all.

And guys, he said no Ibanez in the first post ;)
Mmmmmmkay...... No need to get pissy bro.

All I'm pointing out is that he said he isnt interested in Ibanez. And when I saw Killswitch, they were playing Caparisons. Sorry if I bother you so much.
nah no bother man, you can't really tell from looking at people's text what they are feeling sometimes. I wasn't at all mad up there, actually. If he doesn't want to get an Ibanez, kool. I just usually rave about them because I get so much good out of mine it's almost unbelievable. Love them...

Where is the guy looking for the guitar anyway? he hasn't responded once yet.
NocturnalSun said:
in Europe, I believe because Hammerfall's guitarist, Oscar Dronjak uses a custom Ibanez V. a real beauty too. Probably only available in Europe because on the U.S. site, I saw no V's

Didnt he use an ESP before?

Personally Ive fallen in love with the Jackson guitars, so if I have to recommend a guitar, I would recommend (almost) everything Jackson has made :p